<% elsif !@user.data_public? %>
<p><%= t 'site.edit.not_public' %></p>
-<p><%= t 'site.edit.not_public_description',
-:user_page => (link_to t('site.edit.user_page_link'), {:controller => 'user', :action => 'account', :display_name => @user.display_name, :anchor => 'public'}) %></p>
-<p><%= t 'site.edit.anon_edits', :link => link_to(t('site.edit.anon_edits_link_text'), t('site.edit.anon_edits_link')) %></p>
+<p><%= raw t 'site.edit.not_public_description', :user_page => (link_to t('site.edit.user_page_link'), {:controller => 'user', :action => 'account', :display_name => @user.display_name, :anchor => 'public'}) %></p>
+<p><%= raw t 'site.edit.anon_edits', :link => link_to(t('site.edit.anon_edits_link_text'), t('site.edit.anon_edits_link')) %></p>
<% else %>
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-<% if @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil? %>
-<%= link_to_function t('layouts.home'), "setPosition(#{@user.home_lat}, #{@user.home_lon}, 10)", { :title => t('layouts.home_tooltip') } %> |
-<% end %>
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