- * Called as the user scrolls/zooms around to aniplate hrefs of the
- * view tab and various other links
- */
-function updatelinks(lon,lat,zoom,layers,minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat,objtype,objid) {
- var toPrecision = zoomPrecision(zoom);
- var node;
- lat = toPrecision(lat);
- lon = toPrecision(lon);
- if (minlon) {
- minlon = toPrecision(minlon);
- minlat = toPrecision(minlat);
- maxlon = toPrecision(maxlon);
- maxlat = toPrecision(maxlat);
- }
- $(".geolink").each(function (index, link) {
- var args = getArgs(link.href);
- if ($(link).hasClass("llz")) {
- args.lat = lat;
- args.lon = lon;
- args.zoom = zoom;
- } else if (minlon && $(link).hasClass("bbox")) {
- args.bbox = minlon + "," + minlat + "," + maxlon + "," + maxlat;
- }
- if (layers && $(link).hasClass("layers")) {
- args.layers = layers;
+function remoteEditHandler(bbox, select) {
+ var loaded = false,
+ query = {
+ left: bbox.getWest() - 0.0001,
+ top: bbox.getNorth() + 0.0001,
+ right: bbox.getEast() + 0.0001,
+ bottom: bbox.getSouth() - 0.0001
+ };
+ if (select) query.select = select;
+ var iframe = $('<iframe>')
+ .hide()
+ .appendTo('body')
+ .attr("src", "" + querystring.stringify(query))
+ .on('load', function() {
+ $(this).remove();
+ loaded = true;
+ });
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ if (!loaded) {
+ alert(I18n.t('site.index.remote_failed'));
+ iframe.remove();