module Api
class NotesController < ApiController
+ include QueryMethods
before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :comment, :close, :reopen, :destroy]
before_action :setup_user_auth, :only => [:create, :show]
before_action :authorize, :only => [:close, :reopen, :destroy, :comment]
@max_lat = bbox.max_lat
# Find the notes we want to return
- @notes = notes.bbox(bbox).order("updated_at DESC").limit(result_limit).preload(:comments)
+ notes = notes.bbox(bbox).order("updated_at DESC")
+ notes = query_limit(notes)
+ @notes = notes.preload(:comments)
# Render the result
respond_to do |format|
# Find the comments we want to return
@comments = NoteComment.where(:note => notes)
- .order(:created_at => :desc).limit(result_limit)
- .preload(:author, :note => { :comments => :author })
+ .order(:created_at => :desc)
+ @comments = query_limit(@comments)
+ @comments = @comments.preload(:author, :note => { :comments => :author })
# Render the result
respond_to do |format|
# Add any date filter
- if params[:from]
- begin
- from = Time.parse(params[:from]).utc
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Date #{params[:from]} is in a wrong format"
- end
- begin
- to = if params[:to]
- Time.parse(params[:to]).utc
- else
- end
- rescue ArgumentError
- raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Date #{params[:to]} is in a wrong format"
- end
- @notes = if params[:sort] == "updated_at"
- @notes.where(:updated_at =>
- else
- @notes.where(:created_at =>
- end
- end
+ time_filter_property = if params[:sort] == "updated_at"
+ :updated_at
+ else
+ :created_at
+ end
+ @notes = query_conditions_time(@notes, time_filter_property)
# Choose the sort order
@notes = if params[:sort] == "created_at"
# Find the notes we want to return
- @notes = @notes.distinct.limit(result_limit).preload(:comments)
+ @notes = query_limit(@notes.distinct)
+ @notes = @notes.preload(:comments)
# Render the result
respond_to do |format|
# utility functions below.
- ##
- # Get the maximum number of results to return
- def result_limit
- if params[:limit]
- if params[:limit].to_i.positive? && params[:limit].to_i <= Settings.max_note_query_limit
- params[:limit].to_i
- else
- raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Note limit must be between 1 and #{Settings.max_note_query_limit}"
- end
- else
- Settings.default_note_query_limit
- end
- end
# Generate a condition to choose which notes we want based
# on their status and the user's request parameters
# Get author's information (for logged in users - user_id, for logged out users - IP address)
def author_info
- if scope_enabled?(:write_notes)
+ if current_user
{ :user_id => }
{ :user_ip => request.remote_ip }