return geometry;
- function runQuery(latlng, radius, query, $section) {
+ function runQuery(latlng, radius, query, $section, compare) {
var $ul = $section.find("ul");
data: "[timeout:5][out:json];" + query,
success: function(results) {
+ var elements;
- for (var i = 0; i < results.elements.length; i++) {
- var element = results.elements[i];
+ if (compare) {
+ elements = results.elements.sort(compare);
+ } else {
+ elements = results.elements;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
+ var element = elements[i];
if (interestingFeature(element, latlng, radius)) {
var $li = $("<li>")
+ function compareSize(feature1, feature2) {
+ var width1 = feature1.bounds.maxlon - feature1.bounds.minlon,
+ height1 = feature1.bounds.maxlat - feature1.bounds.minlat,
+ area1 = width1 * height1,
+ width2 = feature2.bounds.maxlat - feature2.bounds.minlat,
+ height2 = feature2.bounds.maxlat - feature2.bounds.minlat,
+ area2 = width2 * height2;
+ return area1 - area2;
+ }
* To find nearby objects we ask overpass for the union of the
* following sets:
ways = "way(" + around + ")",
relations = "relation(" + around + ")",
nearby = "(" + nodes + ";" + ways + ");out tags geom(" + bbox + ");" + relations + ";out geom(" + bbox + ");",
- isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;(relation(pivot.a);way(pivot.a));out geom(" + bbox + ");";
+ isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;way(pivot.a);out tags geom(" + bbox + ");relation(pivot.a);out tags bb;";
$("#sidebar_content .query-intro")
}, 10);
runQuery(latlng, radius, nearby, $("#query-nearby"));
- runQuery(latlng, radius, isin, $("#query-isin"));
+ runQuery(latlng, radius, isin, $("#query-isin"), compareSize);
function clickHandler(e) {