- # 1. original way id (unchanged),
- # 2. new way id,
- # 3. hash of renumbered nodes (old id=>new id),
- # 4. way version,
- # 5. hash of node versions (node=>version)
- def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, changeset_id, wayversion, originalway, pointlist, attributes, nodes) #:doc:
- # -- Initialise
- user = getuser(usertoken)
- if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
- if pointlist.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
- originalway = originalway.to_i
- pointlist.collect! {|a| a.to_i }
- way=nil # this is returned, so scope it outside the transaction
- nodeversions = {}
- Way.transaction do
- # -- Get unique nodes
- if originalway <= 0
- uniques = []
- else
- way = Way.find(originalway)
- uniques = way.unshared_node_ids
- end
+ # 1. message,
+ # 2. original way id (unchanged),
+ # 3. new way id,
+ # 4. hash of renumbered nodes (old id=>new id),
+ # 5. way version,
+ # 6. hash of node versions (node=>version)
+ def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, changeset_id, wayversion, originalway, pointlist, attributes, nodes, deletednodes) #:doc:
+ amf_handle_error("'putway' #{originalway}", 'way', originalway) do
+ # -- Initialise
+ user = getuser(usertoken)
+ unless user then return -1, "You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
+ if user.blocks.active.exists? then return -1, t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED && user.terms_agreed.nil? then return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." end
+ if pointlist.length < 2 then return -2, "Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
+ unless tags_ok(attributes) then return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." end
+ attributes = strip_non_xml_chars attributes
+ originalway = originalway.to_i
+ pointlist.collect!(&:to_i)
+ way = nil # this is returned, so scope it outside the transaction
+ nodeversions = {}
+ Way.transaction do
+ # -- Update each changed node
+ nodes.each do |a|
+ lon = a[0].to_f
+ lat = a[1].to_f
+ id = a[2].to_i
+ version = a[3].to_i
+ if id == 0 then return -2, "Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if lat == 90 then return -2, "Server error - node with latitude -90 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if renumberednodes[id] then id = renumberednodes[id] end
+ node = Node.new
+ node.changeset_id = changeset_id
+ node.lat = lat
+ node.lon = lon
+ node.tags = a[4]
+ # fixup node tags in a way as well
+ unless tags_ok(node.tags) then return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." end
+ node.tags = strip_non_xml_chars node.tags
+ node.tags.delete('created_by')
+ node.version = version
+ if id <= 0
+ # We're creating the node
+ node.create_with_history(user)
+ renumberednodes[id] = node.id
+ nodeversions[node.id] = node.version
+ else
+ # We're updating an existing node
+ previous = Node.find(id)
+ node.id = id
+ previous.update_from(node, user)
+ nodeversions[previous.id] = previous.version
+ end
+ end