continue_without_exit: Continue on %{name}
slight_right_without_exit: Slight right onto %{name}
+ offramp_right_without_exit: Take the ramp on the right onto %{name}
+ onramp_right_without_exit: Turn right on the ramp onto %{name}
+ endofroad_right_without_exit: At the end of the road turn right onto %{name}
+ merge_right_without_exit: Merge right onto %{name}
+ fork_right_without_exit: At the fork turn right onto %{name}
turn_right_without_exit: Turn right onto %{name}
sharp_right_without_exit: Sharp right onto %{name}
uturn_without_exit: U-turn along %{name}
sharp_left_without_exit: Sharp left onto %{name}
turn_left_without_exit: Turn left onto %{name}
+ offramp_left_without_exit: Take the ramp on the left onto %{name}
+ onramp_left_without_exit: Turn left on the ramp onto %{name}
+ endofroad_left_without_exit: At the end of the road turn left onto %{name}
+ merge_left_without_exit: Merge left onto %{name}
+ fork_left_without_exit: At the fork turn left onto %{name}
slight_left_without_exit: Slight left onto %{name}
via_point_without_exit: (via point)
follow_without_exit: Follow %{name}