- # Check if Issue alrwady exists
- if !@issue
- @issue = Issue.find_or_initialize_by(issue_params)
- @admins = UserRole.where(role: "administrator")
- @admins.each do |admin|
- Notifier.new_issue_notification(User.find(admin.user_id)).deliver_now
- end
- end
- # Check if details provided are sufficient
- if params[:report][:details] and (params[:spam] or params[:offensive] or params[:threat] or params[:vandal] or params[:other])
- @report = @issue.reports.build(report_params)
- details = params[:report][:details].to_s + "||" + params[:spam].to_s + "||" + params[:offensive].to_s + "||" + params[:threat].to_s + "||" + params[:vandal].to_s + "||" + params[:other].to_s
- @report.reporter_user_id = @user.id
- @report.details = details
- # Checking if instance has been updated since last report
- @last_report = @issue.reports.order(updated_at: :desc).last
- if @issue.reportable.updated_at.present? and (@issue.ignored? or @issue.resolved?) and @issue.reportable.updated_at > @last_report.updated_at
- if @issue.reopen
- @issue.save!
- end
- end
- if @issue.save!
- redirect_to root_path, notice: t('issues.create.successful_report')
+ def index
+ @title = t ".title"
+ @issue_types = []
+ @issue_types.concat %w[Note] if current_user.moderator?
+ @issue_types.concat %w[DiaryEntry DiaryComment User] if current_user.administrator?
+ @users = User.joins(:roles).where(:user_roles => { :role => current_user.roles.map(&:role) }).distinct
+ @issues = Issue.visible_to(current_user)
+ # If search
+ if params[:search_by_user]&.present?
+ @find_user = User.find_by(:display_name => params[:search_by_user])
+ if @find_user
+ @issues = @issues.where(:reported_user_id => @find_user.id)
+ else
+ @issues = @issues.none
+ flash.now[:warning] = t(".user_not_found")