- delete:
- deleted: "Message deleted"
- site:
- about:
- next: Next
- copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>contributors
- used_by: "%{name} powers map data on thousands of web sites, mobile apps, and hardware devices"
- lede_text: |
- OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data
- about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.
- local_knowledge_title: Local Knowledge
- local_knowledge_html: |
- OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use
- aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM
- is accurate and up to date.
- community_driven_title: Community Driven
- community_driven_html: |
- OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day.
- Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers
- running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas,
- and many more.
- To learn more about the community, see the
- <a href='https://blog.openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap Blog</a>,
- <a href='%{diary_path}'>user diaries</a>,
- <a href='https://blogs.openstreetmap.org/'>community blogs</a>, and
- the <a href='https://www.osmfoundation.org/'>OSM Foundation</a> website.
- open_data_title: Open Data
- open_data_html: |
- OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>: you are free to use it for any purpose
- as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or
- build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only
- under the same licence. See the <a href='%{copyright_path}'>Copyright and
- License page</a> for details.
- legal_title: Legal
- legal_html: |
- This site and many other related services are formally operated by the
- <a href='https://osmfoundation.org/'>OpenStreetMap Foundation</a> (OSMF)
- on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject
- to our <a href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Acceptable_Use_Policy">
- Acceptable Use Policies</a> and our <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy">Privacy Policy</a>
- <br>
- Please <a href='https://osmfoundation.org/Contact'>contact the OSMF</a>
- if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.
- <br>
- OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy">registered trademarks of the OSMF</a>.
- partners_title: Partners
- copyright:
- foreign:
- title: About this translation
- text: In the event of a conflict between this translated page and %{english_original_link}, the English page shall take precedence
- english_link: the English original
- native:
- title: About this page
- text: You are viewing the English version of the copyright page. You can go back to the %{native_link} of this page or you can stop reading about copyright and %{mapping_link}.
- native_link: THIS_LANGUAGE_NAME_HERE version
- mapping_link: start mapping
- legal_babble:
- title_html: Copyright and License
- intro_1_html: |
- OpenStreetMap<sup><a href="#trademarks">®</a></sup> is <i>open data</i>, licensed under the <a
- href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">Open Data
- Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL) by the <a
- href="https://osmfoundation.org/">OpenStreetMap Foundation</a> (OSMF).
- intro_2_html: |
- You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data,
- as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its
- contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you
- may distribute the result only under the same licence. The
- full <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">legal
- code</a> explains your rights and responsibilities.
- intro_3_html: |
- The cartography in our map tiles, and our documentation, are
- licensed under the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">Creative
- Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> license (CC BY-SA).
- credit_title_html: How to credit OpenStreetMap
- credit_1_html: |
- We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap
- contributors”.
- credit_2_html: |
- You must also make it clear that the data is available under the Open
- Database License, and if using our map tiles, that the cartography is
- licensed as CC BY-SA. You may do this by linking to
- <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyright page</a>.
- Alternatively, and as a requirement if you are distributing OSM in a
- data form, you can name and link directly to the license(s). In media
- where links are not possible (e.g. printed works), we suggest you
- direct your readers to openstreetmap.org (perhaps by expanding
- 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address), to opendatacommons.org, and
- if relevant, to creativecommons.org.
- credit_3_html: |
- For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map.
- For example:
- attribution_example:
- alt: Example of how to attribute OpenStreetMap on a webpage
- title: Attribution example
- more_title_html: Finding out more
- more_1_html: |
- Read more about using our data, and how to credit us, at the <a
- href="https://osmfoundation.org/Licence">OSMF Licence page</a>.
- more_2_html: |
- Although OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannot provide a
- free-of-charge map API for third-parties.
- See our <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/api/">API Usage Policy</a>,
- <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/tiles/">Tile Usage Policy</a>
+ destroy:
+ destroyed: "Message deleted"
+ passwords:
+ lost_password:
+ title: "Lost password"
+ heading: "Forgotten Password?"
+ email address: "Email Address:"
+ new password button: "Reset password"
+ help_text: "Enter the email address you used to sign up, we will send a link to it that you can use to reset your password."
+ notice email on way: "Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon."
+ notice email cannot find: "Could not find that email address, sorry."
+ reset_password:
+ title: "Reset password"
+ heading: "Reset Password for %{user}"
+ reset: "Reset Password"
+ flash changed: "Your password has been changed."
+ flash token bad: "Did not find that token, check the URL maybe?"
+ preferences:
+ show:
+ title: My Preferences
+ preferred_editor: Preferred Editor
+ preferred_languages: Preferred Languages
+ edit_preferences: Edit Preferences
+ edit:
+ title: Edit Preferences
+ save: Update Preferences
+ cancel: Cancel
+ update:
+ failure: Couldn't update preferences.
+ update_success_flash:
+ message: Preferences updated.
+ profiles:
+ edit:
+ title: Edit Profile
+ save: Update Profile
+ cancel: Cancel
+ image: Image
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: "Use Gravatar"
+ link: "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gravatar"
+ what_is_gravatar: "What is Gravatar?"
+ disabled: "Gravatar has been disabled."
+ enabled: "Display of your Gravatar has been enabled."
+ new image: "Add an image"
+ keep image: "Keep the current image"
+ delete image: "Remove the current image"
+ replace image: "Replace the current image"
+ image size hint: "(square images at least 100x100 work best)"
+ home location: "Home Location"
+ no home location: "You have not entered your home location."
+ update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?"
+ update:
+ success: Profile updated.
+ failure: Couldn't update profile.
+ sessions:
+ new:
+ title: "Login"
+ heading: "Login"
+ email or username: "Email Address or Username:"
+ password: "Password:"
+ openid_html: "%{logo} OpenID:"
+ remember: "Remember me"
+ lost password link: "Lost your password?"
+ login_button: "Login"
+ register now: Register now
+ with username: "Already have an OpenStreetMap account? Please login with your username and password:"
+ with external: "Alternatively, use a third party to login:"
+ new to osm: New to OpenStreetMap?
+ to make changes: To make changes to the OpenStreetMap data, you must have an account.
+ create account minute: Create an account. It only takes a minute.
+ no account: Don't have an account?
+ account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please use the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account, or <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">request a new confirmation email</a>."
+ account is suspended: Sorry, your account has been suspended due to suspicious activity.<br />Please contact <a href="%{webmaster}">support</a> if you wish to discuss this.
+ auth failure: "Sorry, could not log in with those details."
+ openid_logo_alt: "Log in with an OpenID"
+ auth_providers:
+ openid:
+ title: Login with OpenID
+ alt: Login with an OpenID URL
+ google:
+ title: Login with Google
+ alt: Login with a Google OpenID
+ facebook:
+ title: Login with Facebook
+ alt: Login with a Facebook Account
+ windowslive:
+ title: Login with Windows Live
+ alt: Login with a Windows Live Account
+ github:
+ title: Login with GitHub
+ alt: Login with a GitHub Account
+ wikipedia:
+ title: Login with Wikipedia
+ alt: Login with a Wikipedia Account
+ wordpress:
+ title: Login with Wordpress
+ alt: Login with a Wordpress OpenID
+ aol:
+ title: Login with AOL
+ alt: Login with an AOL OpenID
+ destroy:
+ title: "Logout"
+ heading: "Logout from OpenStreetMap"
+ logout_button: "Logout"
+ shared:
+ markdown_help:
+ title_html: Parsed with <a href="https://kramdown.gettalong.org/quickref.html">kramdown</a>
+ headings: Headings
+ heading: Heading
+ subheading: Subheading
+ unordered: Unordered list
+ ordered: Ordered list
+ first: First item
+ second: Second item
+ link: Link
+ text: Text
+ image: Image
+ alt: Alt text
+ url: URL
+ richtext_field:
+ edit: Edit
+ preview: Preview
+ site:
+ about:
+ next: Next
+ copyright_html: <span>©</span>OpenStreetMap<br>contributors
+ used_by_html: "%{name} provides map data for thousands of web sites, mobile apps, and hardware devices"
+ lede_text: |
+ OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data
+ about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.
+ local_knowledge_title: Local Knowledge
+ local_knowledge_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use
+ aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM
+ is accurate and up to date.
+ community_driven_title: Community Driven
+ community_driven_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day.
+ Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers
+ running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas,
+ and many more.
+ To learn more about the community, see the
+ <a href='https://blog.openstreetmap.org'>OpenStreetMap Blog</a>,
+ <a href='%{diary_path}'>user diaries</a>,
+ <a href='https://blogs.openstreetmap.org/'>community blogs</a>, and
+ the <a href='https://www.osmfoundation.org/'>OSM Foundation</a> website.
+ open_data_title: Open Data
+ open_data_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>: you are free to use it for any purpose
+ as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or
+ build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only
+ under the same licence. See the <a href='%{copyright_path}'>Copyright and
+ License page</a> for details.
+ legal_title: Legal
+ legal_1_html: |
+ This site and many other related services are formally operated by the
+ <a href='https://osmfoundation.org/'>OpenStreetMap Foundation</a> (OSMF)
+ on behalf of the community. Use of all OSMF operated services is subject
+ to our <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use">Terms of Use</a>, <a href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Acceptable_Use_Policy">
+ Acceptable Use Policies</a> and our <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy">Privacy Policy</a>.
+ legal_2_html: |
+ Please <a href='https://osmfoundation.org/Contact'>contact the OSMF</a>
+ if you have licensing, copyright or other legal questions.
+ <br>
+ OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy">registered trademarks of the OSMF</a>.
+ partners_title: Partners
+ copyright:
+ foreign:
+ title: About this translation
+ html: In the event of a conflict between this translated page and %{english_original_link}, the English page shall take precedence
+ english_link: the English original
+ native:
+ title: About this page
+ html: You are viewing the English version of the copyright page. You can go back to the %{native_link} of this page or you can stop reading about copyright and %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: THIS_LANGUAGE_NAME_HERE version
+ mapping_link: start mapping
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Copyright and License
+ intro_1_html: |
+ OpenStreetMap<sup><a href="#trademarks">®</a></sup> is <i>open data</i>, licensed under the <a
+ href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">Open Data
+ Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL) by the <a
+ href="https://osmfoundation.org/">OpenStreetMap Foundation</a> (OSMF).
+ intro_2_html: |
+ You are free to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt our data,
+ as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its
+ contributors. If you alter or build upon our data, you
+ may distribute the result only under the same licence. The
+ full <a href="https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">legal
+ code</a> explains your rights and responsibilities.
+ intro_3_1_html: |
+ Our documentation is licensed under the
+ <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> license (CC BY-SA 2.0).
+ credit_title_html: How to credit OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: |
+ We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap
+ contributors”.
+ credit_2_1_html: |
+ You must also make it clear that the data is available under the Open
+ Database License. You may do this by linking to
+ <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyright page</a>.
+ Alternatively, and as a requirement if you are distributing OSM in a
+ data form, you can name and link directly to the license(s). In media
+ where links are not possible (e.g. printed works), we suggest you
+ direct your readers to openstreetmap.org (perhaps by expanding
+ 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address) and to opendatacommons.org.
+ credit_3_1_html: |
+ The map tiles in the “standard style” at www.openstreetmap.org are a
+ Produced Work by the OpenStreetMap Foundation using OpenStreetMap data
+ under the Open Database License. When using this map style, the same attribution is
+ required as for the map data.
+ credit_4_html: |
+ For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map.
+ For example:
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Example of how to attribute OpenStreetMap on a webpage
+ title: Attribution example
+ more_title_html: Finding out more
+ more_1_html: |
+ Read more about using our data, and how to credit us, at the <a
+ href="https://osmfoundation.org/Licence">OSMF Licence page</a>.
+ more_2_html: |
+ Although OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannot provide a
+ free-of-charge map API for third-parties.
+ See our <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/api/">API Usage Policy</a>,
+ <a href="https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/tiles/">Tile Usage Policy</a>