# image_use_gravatar :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# image_content_type :string
# auth_provider :string
+# home_tile :integer
# Indexes
# users_display_name_lower_idx (lower((display_name)::text))
# users_email_idx (email) UNIQUE
# users_email_lower_idx (lower((email)::text))
+# users_home_idx (home_tile)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :email, :if => proc { |u| u.email_changed? },
:uniqueness => { :case_sensitive => false }
validates :pass_crypt, :confirmation => true, :length => 8..255
- validates :home_lat, :home_lon, :allow_nil => true, :numericality => true
+ validates :home_lat, :allow_nil => true, :numericality => true, :inclusion => { :in => -90..90 }
+ validates :home_lon, :allow_nil => true, :numericality => true, :inclusion => { :in => -180..180 }
validates :home_zoom, :allow_nil => true, :numericality => { :only_integer => true }
validates :preferred_editor, :inclusion => Editors::ALL_EDITORS, :allow_nil => true
validates :image, :attachment_content_type => { :content_type => %r{\Aimage/.*\Z} }
after_initialize :set_defaults
before_save :encrypt_password
+ before_save :update_tile
after_save :spam_check
+ def to_param
+ display_name
+ end
def self.authenticate(options)
if options[:username] && options[:password]
user = find_by("email = ? OR display_name = ?", options[:username], options[:username])
def nearby(radius = NEARBY_RADIUS, num = NEARBY_USERS)
if home_lon && home_lat
gc = OSM::GreatCircle.new(home_lat, home_lon)
+ sql_for_area = QuadTile.sql_for_area(gc.bounds(radius), "home_")
sql_for_distance = gc.sql_for_distance("home_lat", "home_lon")
- nearby = User.where("id != ? AND status IN (\'active\', \'confirmed\') AND data_public = ? AND #{sql_for_distance} <= ?", id, true, radius).order(sql_for_distance).limit(num)
+ nearby = User.active.identifiable
+ .where("id != ?", id)
+ .where(sql_for_area)
+ .where("#{sql_for_distance} <= ?", radius)
+ .order(sql_for_distance)
+ .limit(num)
nearby = []
self.pass_crypt_confirmation = nil
+ def update_tile
+ self.home_tile = QuadTile.tile_for_point(home_lat, home_lon) if home_lat && home_lon
+ end