+ RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: whichways, bbox=#{xmin},#{ymin},#{xmax},#{ymax}")
+ waylist=WaySegment.find_by_sql("SELECT DISTINCT current_way_segments.id AS wayid"+
+ " FROM current_way_segments,current_segments,current_nodes,current_ways "+
+ " WHERE segment_id=current_segments.id "+
+ " AND current_segments.visible=1 "+
+ " AND node_a=current_nodes.id "+
+ " AND current_ways.id=current_way_segments.id "+
+ " AND current_ways.visible=1 "+
+ " AND (latitude BETWEEN "+ymin.to_s+" AND "+ymax.to_s+") "+
+ " AND (longitude BETWEEN "+xmin.to_s+" AND "+xmax.to_s+")")
+ ways = waylist.collect {|a| a.wayid.to_i } # get an array of way id's
+ pointlist =ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all("SELECT current_nodes.id,current_nodes.tags "+
+ " FROM current_nodes "+
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN current_segments cs1 ON cs1.node_a=current_nodes.id "+
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN current_segments cs2 ON cs2.node_b=current_nodes.id "+
+ " WHERE (latitude BETWEEN "+ymin.to_s+" AND "+ymax.to_s+") "+
+ " AND (longitude BETWEEN "+xmin.to_s+" AND "+xmax.to_s+") "+
+ " AND cs1.id IS NULL AND cs2.id IS NULL "+
+ " AND current_nodes.visible=1")
+ points = pointlist.collect {|a| [a['id'],tag2array(a['tags'])] } # get a list of node ids and their tags
+ return [ways,points]
+ end
+ # ----- getway (objectname, way, baselong, basey, masterscale)
+ # returns objectname, array of co-ordinates, attributes,
+ # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
+ def getway(args)
+ objname,wayid,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
+ wayid = wayid.to_i
+ points = []
+ lastid = -1
+ xmin = ymin = 999999
+ xmax = ymax = -999999
+ RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: getway, id=#{wayid}")
+ readwayquery(wayid).each {|row|
+ xs1=long2coord(row['long1'].to_f,baselong,masterscale); ys1=lat2coord(row['lat1'].to_f,basey,masterscale)
+ xs2=long2coord(row['long2'].to_f,baselong,masterscale); ys2=lat2coord(row['lat2'].to_f,basey,masterscale)
+ points << [xs1,ys1,row['id1'].to_i,0,tag2array(row['tags1']),0] if (row['id1'].to_i!=lastid)
+ lastid = row['id2'].to_i
+ points << [xs2,ys2,row['id2'].to_i,1,tag2array(row['tags2']),row['segment_id'].to_i]
+ xmin = [xmin,row['long1'].to_f,row['long2'].to_f].min
+ xmax = [xmax,row['long1'].to_f,row['long2'].to_f].max
+ ymin = [ymin,row['lat1'].to_f,row['lat2'].to_f].min
+ ymax = [ymax,row['lat1'].to_f,row['lat2'].to_f].max
+ }
+ attributes={}
+ attrlist=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all "SELECT k,v FROM current_way_tags WHERE id=#{wayid}"
+ attrlist.each {|a| attributes[a['k']]=a['v'] }
+ [objname,points,attributes,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
+ end
+ # ----- putway (user token, way, array of co-ordinates, array of attributes,
+ # baselong, basey, masterscale)
+ # returns current way ID, new way ID, hash of renumbered nodes,
+ # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
+ def putway(args)
+ usertoken,originalway,points,attributes,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
+ uid=getuserid(usertoken)
+ return if !uid
+ db_uqs='uniq'+uid.to_s+originalway.to_i.abs.to_s+Time.new.to_i.to_s # temp uniquesegments table name, typically 51 chars
+ db_uqn='unin'+uid.to_s+originalway.to_i.abs.to_s+Time.new.to_i.to_s # temp uniquenodes table name, typically 51 chars
+ db_now='@now'+uid.to_s+originalway.to_i.abs.to_s+Time.new.to_i.to_s # 'now' variable name, typically 51 chars
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SET #{db_now}=NOW()")
+ originalway=originalway.to_i
+ RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: putway, id=#{originalway}")
+ # -- 3. read original way into memory
+ xc={}; yc={}; tagc={}; seg={}
+ if originalway>0
+ way=originalway
+ readwayquery(way).each { |row|
+ id1=row['id1'].to_i; xc[id1]=row['long1'].to_f; yc[id1]=row['lat1'].to_f; tagc[id1]=row['tags1']
+ id2=row['id2'].to_i; xc[id2]=row['long2'].to_f; yc[id2]=row['lat2'].to_f; tagc[id2]=row['tags2']
+ seg[row['segment_id'].to_i]=id1.to_s+'-'+id2.to_s
+ }
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_ways SET timestamp=#{db_now},user_id=#{uid},visible=1 WHERE id=#{way}")
+ else
+ way=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_ways (user_id,timestamp,visible) VALUES (#{uid},#{db_now},1)")
+ end
+ # -- 4. get version by inserting new row into ways
+ version=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO ways (id,user_id,timestamp,visible) VALUES (#{way},#{uid},#{db_now},1)")
+ # -- 5. compare nodes and update xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
+ xmin = ymin = 999999
+ xmax = ymax = -999999
+ insertsql = ''
+ renumberednodes={}
+ points.each_index do |i|
+ xs=coord2long(points[i][0],masterscale,baselong)
+ ys=coord2lat(points[i][1],masterscale,basey)
+ xmin=[xs,xmin].min; xmax=[xs,xmax].max
+ ymin=[ys,ymin].min; ymax=[ys,ymax].max
+ node=points[i][2].to_i
+ tagstr=array2tag(points[i][4])
+ tagstr=tagstr.gsub(/[\000-\037]/,"")
+ tagsql="'"+sqlescape(tagstr)+"'"
+ # compare node
+ if node<0
+ # new node - create
+ newnode=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_nodes ( latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags) VALUES ( #{ys},#{xs},#{db_now},#{uid},1,#{tagsql})")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags) VALUES (#{newnode},#{ys},#{xs},#{db_now},#{uid},1,#{tagsql})")
+ points[i][2]=newnode
+ renumberednodes[node.to_s]=newnode.to_s
+ elsif xc.has_key?(node)
+ # old node from original way - update
+ if (xs!=xc[node] or (ys/0.0000001).round!=(yc[node]/0.0000001).round or tagstr!=tagc[node])
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags) VALUES (#{node},#{ys},#{xs},#{db_now},#{uid},1,#{tagsql})")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_nodes SET latitude=#{ys},longitude=#{xs},timestamp=#{db_now},user_id=#{uid},tags=#{tagsql},visible=1 WHERE id=#{node}")
+ end
+ else
+ # old node, created in another way and now added to this way
+ end
+ end
+ # -- 6.i compare segments
+ numberedsegments={}
+ seglist='' # list of existing segments that we want to keep
+ for i in (0..(points.length-2))
+ if (points[i+1][3].to_i==0) then next end
+ segid=points[i+1][5].to_i
+ from =points[i ][2].to_i
+ to =points[i+1][2].to_i
+ if seg.has_key?(segid)
+ # if segment exists, check it still refers to the same nodes
+ if seg[segid]=="#{from}-#{to}" then
+ if (seglist!='') then seglist+=',' end; seglist+=segid.to_s
+ next
+ end
+ elsif segid>0
+ # not in previous version of way, but supplied, so assume
+ # that it's come from makeway (i.e. unwayed segments)
+ if (seglist!='') then seglist+=',' end; seglist+=segid.to_s
+ next
+ end
+ segid=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_segments ( node_a,node_b,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags) VALUES ( #{from},#{to},#{db_now},#{uid},1,'')")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO segments (id,node_a,node_b,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags) VALUES (#{segid},#{from},#{to},#{db_now},#{uid},1,'')")
+ points[i+1][5]=segid
+ numberedsegments[(i+1).to_s]=segid.to_s
+ end
+ # -- 6.ii insert new way segments
+ createuniquesegments(way,db_uqs,seglist) # segments which appear in this way but no other
+ # delete segments from uniquesegments (and not in modified way)
+ sql=<<-EOF
+ INSERT INTO segments (id,node_a,node_b,timestamp,user_id,visible)
+ SELECT DISTINCT segment_id,node_a,node_b,#{db_now},#{uid},0
+ FROM current_segments AS cs, #{db_uqs} AS us
+ WHERE cs.id=us.segment_id AND cs.visible=1
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert(sql)
+ sql=<<-EOF
+ UPDATE current_segments AS cs, #{db_uqs} AS us
+ SET cs.timestamp=#{db_now},cs.visible=0,cs.user_id=#{uid}
+ WHERE cs.id=us.segment_id AND cs.visible=1
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql)
+ # delete nodes not in modified way or any other segments
+ createuniquenodes(db_uqs,db_uqn) # nodes which appear in this way but no other
+ sql=<<-EOF
+ INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible)
+ SELECT DISTINCT cn.id,cn.latitude,cn.longitude,#{db_now},#{uid},0
+ FROM current_nodes AS cn,#{db_uqn}
+ WHERE cn.id=node_id
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert(sql)