# Author: EdLoach
# Author: Eduard Popov
# Author: Gravitystorm
+# Author: Hufkratzer
# Author: IknowJoseph
# Author: Jagwar
# Author: Jguthrie100
prompt: Choose file
- diary_comment:
- create: Save
create: Publish
update: Update
enabled link text: what is this?
disabled: Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous.
disabled link text: why can't I edit?
- public editing note:
- heading: Public editing
- html: Currently your edits are anonymous and people cannot send you messages
- or see your location. To show what you edited and allow people to contact
- you through the website, click the button below. <b>Since the 0.6 API changeover,
- only public users can edit map data</b>. (<a href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits">find
- out why</a>).<ul><li>Your e-mail address will not be revealed by becoming
- public.</li><li>This action cannot be reversed and all new users are now
- public by default.</li></ul>
contributor terms:
heading: Contributor Terms
agreed: You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
in the Public Domain.
link text: what is this?
save changes button: Save Changes
- make edits public button: Make all my edits public
+ go_public:
+ heading: Public editing
+ make_edits_public_button: Make all my edits public
success_confirm_needed: User information updated successfully. Check your email
for a note to confirm your new email address.
wikimedia_commons_link: The %{page} item on Wikimedia Commons
telephone_link: Call %{phone_number}
colour_preview: Colour %{colour_value} preview
- note:
- title: 'Note: %{id}'
- new_note: New Note
- description: Description
- open_title: 'Unresolved note #%{note_name}'
- closed_title: 'Resolved note #%{note_name}'
- hidden_title: 'Hidden note #%{note_name}'
- opened_by_html: Created by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- opened_by_anonymous_html: Created by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- commented_by_html: Comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- commented_by_anonymous_html: Comment from anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- closed_by_html: Resolved by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- closed_by_anonymous_html: Resolved by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- reopened_by_html: Reactivated by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- reopened_by_anonymous_html: Reactivated by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
- hidden_by_html: Hidden by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
title: Query Features
introduction: Click on the map to find nearby features.
fitness_station: Fitness Station
garden: Garden
golf_course: Golf Course
- horse_riding: Horse Riding
+ horse_riding: Horse Riding Centre
ice_rink: Ice Rink
marina: Marina
miniature_golf: Miniature Golf
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> licence (CC BY-SA 2.0)."
credit_title_html: How to credit OpenStreetMap
credit_4_html: |-
- For a browsable electronic map, the credit should appear in the corner of the map.
- For example:
+ To make clear that the data is available under the Open
+ Database License, you may link to
+ <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyright page</a>.
+ Alternatively, and as a requirement if you are distributing OSM in a
+ data form, you can name and link directly to the licence(s). In media
+ where links are not possible (e.g. printed works), we suggest you
+ direct your readers to openstreetmap.org (perhaps by expanding
+ 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address) and to opendatacommons.org.
+ In this example, the credit appears in the corner of the map.
alt: Example of how to attribute OpenStreetMap on a webpage
title: Attribution example
js_1: You are either using a browser that does not support JavaScript, or you
have disabled JavaScript.
- js_2: OpenStreetMap uses JavaScript for its slippery map.
+ js_2: OpenStreetMap uses JavaScript for its slippy map.
permalink: Permalink
shortlink: Shortlink
createnote: Add a note
map_image: Map Image (shows standard layer)
embeddable_html: Embeddable HTML
licence: Licence
- export_details_html: OpenStreetMap data is licenced under the <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">Open
- Data Commons Open Database Licence</a> (ODbL).
advice: 'If the above export fails, please consider using one of the sources
listed below:'
title: OpenStreetMap Wiki
description: Browse the wiki for in-depth OpenStreetMap documentation.
+ any_questions:
+ title: Any questions?
search_results: Search Results
close: Close
toilets: Toilets
title: Welcome!
- introduction_html: Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the
- world. Now that you're signed up, you're all set to get started mapping. Here's
- a quick guide with the most important things you need to know.
+ introduction: Welcome to OpenStreetMap, the free and editable map of the world.
+ Now that you're signed up, you're all set to get started mapping. Here's a
+ quick guide with the most important things you need to know.
title: What's on the Map
- on_html: OpenStreetMap is a place for mapping things that are both <em>real
- and current</em> - it includes millions of buildings, roads, and other details
- about places. You can map whatever real-world features are interesting to
- you.
- off_html: What it <em>doesn't</em> include is opinionated data like ratings,
- historical or hypothetical features, and data from copyrighted sources.
- Unless you have special permission, don't copy from online or paper maps.
title: Basic Terms For Mapping
- paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap has some of its own lingo. Here are a few
- key words that'll come in handy.
- editor_html: An <strong>editor</strong> is a program or website you can use
- to edit the map.
- node_html: A <strong>node</strong> is a point on the map, like a single restaurant
- or a tree.
- way_html: A <strong>way</strong> is a line or area, like a road, stream, lake
- or building.
- tag_html: A <strong>tag</strong> is a bit of data about a node or way, like
- a restaurant's name or a road's speed limit.
+ paragraph_1: OpenStreetMap has some of its own lingo. Here are a few key words
+ that'll come in handy.
title: Rules!
- paragraph_1_html: "OpenStreetMap has few formal rules but we expect all participants
- to collaborate\nwith, and communicate with, the community. If you are considering\nany
- activities other than editing by hand, please read and follow the guidelines
- on \n<a href='https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines'>Imports</a>
- and \n<a href='https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Automated_Edits_code_of_conduct'>Automated
- Edits</a>."
- questions:
- title: Any questions?
- paragraph_1_html: |-
- OpenStreetMap has several resources for learning about the project, asking and answering questions, and collaboratively discussing and documenting mapping topics.
- <a href='%{help_url}'>Get help here</a>. With an organization making plans for OpenStreetMap? <a href='https://welcome.openstreetmap.org/'>Check out the Welcome Mat</a>.
start_mapping: Start Mapping
title: No Time To Edit? Add a Note!
- paragraph_1_html: If you just want something small fixed and don't have the
- time to sign up and learn how to edit, it's easy to add a note.
- paragraph_2_html: 'Just go to <a href=''%{map_url}''>the map</a> and click
- the note icon: <span class=''icon note''></span>. This will add a marker
- to the map, which you can move by dragging. Add your message, then click
- save, and other mappers will investigate.'
+ para_1: If you just want something small fixed and don't have the time to
+ sign up and learn how to edit, it's easy to add a note.
private: Private (only shared as anonymous, unordered points)
public_traces_from: Public GPS traces from %{user}
description: Browse recent GPS track uploads
tagged_with: ' tagged with %{tags}'
- empty_html: Nothing here yet. <a href='%{upload_link}'>Upload a new trace</a>
- or learn more about GPS tracing on the <a href='https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners_Guide_1.2'>wiki
- page</a>.
upload_trace: Upload a trace
scheduled_for_deletion: Trace scheduled for deletion
account for you automatically.
header: Free and editable
- html: |-
- <p>Unlike other maps, OpenStreetMap is completely created by people like you, and it's free for anyone to fix, update, download and use.</p>
- <p>Sign up to get started contributing. We'll send an email to confirm your account.</p>
email address: 'Email Address:'
confirm email address: 'Confirm Email Address:'
display name: 'Display Name:'
description: Description
created_at: Created at
last_changed: Last changed
+ show:
+ title: 'Note: %{id}'
+ description: Description
+ open_title: 'Unresolved note #%{note_name}'
+ closed_title: 'Resolved note #%{note_name}'
+ hidden_title: 'Hidden note #%{note_name}'
+ opened_by_html: Created by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ opened_by_anonymous_html: Created by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by_html: Comment from %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous_html: Comment from anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by_html: Resolved by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous_html: Resolved by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ reopened_by_html: Reactivated by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ reopened_by_anonymous_html: Reactivated by anonymous <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ hidden_by_html: Hidden by %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ anonymous_warning: This note includes comments from anonymous users which should
+ be independently verified.
+ hide: Hide
+ resolve: Resolve
+ reactivate: Reactivate
+ comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
+ comment: Comment
+ new:
+ title: New Note
+ intro: Spotted a mistake or something missing? Let other mappers know so we
+ can fix it. Move the marker to the correct position and type a note to explain
+ the problem.
+ advice: Your note is public and may be used to update the map, so don't enter
+ personal information or information from copyrighted maps or directory listings.
+ add: Add Note
close: Close
unsubscribe: Unsubscribe
hide_comment: hide
unhide_comment: unhide
- notes:
- new:
- intro: Spotted a mistake or something missing? Let other mappers know so we
- can fix it. Move the marker to the correct position and type a note to explain
- the problem.
- advice: Your note is public and may be used to update the map, so don't enter
- personal information or information from copyrighted maps or directory listings.
- add: Add Note
- show:
- anonymous_warning: This note includes comments from anonymous users which
- should be independently verified.
- hide: Hide
- resolve: Resolve
- reactivate: Reactivate
- comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
- comment: Comment
edit_help: Move the map and zoom in on a location you want to edit, then click