- copyright: "© <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>"
- donate_link_text: "<a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Make a Donation</a>"
- terms: "<a href='%{terms_url}' target='_blank'>Website and API terms</a>"
- cyclosm: "Tiles style by <a href='%{cyclosm_url}' target='_blank'>CyclOSM</a> hosted by <a href='%{osmfrance_url}' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap France</a>"
- thunderforest: "Tiles courtesy of <a href='%{thunderforest_url}' target='_blank'>Andy Allan</a>"
- opnvkarte: "Tiles courtesy of <a href='%{memomaps_url}' target='_blank'>MeMoMaps</a>"
- hotosm: "Tiles style by <a href='%{hotosm_url}' target='_blank'>Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team</a> hosted by <a href='%{osmfrance_url}' target='_blank'>OpenStreetMap France</a>"
+ copyright_text: "© %{copyright_link}"
+ openstreetmap_contributors: "OpenStreetMap contributors"
+ make_a_donation: Make a Donation
+ website_and_api_terms: Website and API terms
+ cyclosm_credit: "Tiles style by %{cyclosm_link} hosted by %{osm_france_link}"
+ cyclosm_name: CyclOSM
+ osm_france: OpenStreetMap France
+ thunderforest_credit: "Tiles courtesy of %{thunderforest_link}"
+ andy_allan: Andy Allan
+ opnvkarte_credit: "Tiles courtesy of %{memomaps_link}"
+ memomaps: MeMoMaps
+ tracestrack_credit: "Tiles courtesy of %{tracestrack_link}"
+ tracestrack: Tracestrack
+ hotosm_credit: "Tiles style by %{hotosm_link} hosted by %{osm_france_link}"
+ hotosm_name: Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team