if bbox and bbox.count(',') == 3
bbox = bbox.split(',')
- min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = sanitise_boundaries(bbox)
+ @min_lon, @min_lat, @max_lon, @max_lat = sanitise_boundaries(bbox)
#Fallback to old style, this is deprecated and should not be used
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("No l was given") unless params['l']
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("No b was given") unless params['b']
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("No t was given") unless params['t']
- min_lon = params['l'].to_f
- max_lon = params['r'].to_f
- min_lat = params['b'].to_f
- max_lat = params['t'].to_f
+ @min_lon = params['l'].to_f
+ @max_lon = params['r'].to_f
+ @min_lat = params['b'].to_f
+ @max_lat = params['t'].to_f
limit = getLimit
conditions = closedCondition
- # check boundary is sane and area within defined
- # see /config/application.yml
- begin
- check_boundaries(min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
- rescue Exception => err
- report_error(err.message)
- return
- end
+ check_boundaries(@min_lon, @min_lat, @max_lon, @max_lat, :false)
- @bugs = MapBug.find_by_area(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, :order => "last_changed DESC", :limit => limit, :conditions => conditions)
+ @bugs = MapBug.find_by_area_no_quadtile(@min_lat, @min_lon, @max_lat, @max_lon, :include => :map_bug_comment, :order => "last_changed DESC", :limit => limit, :conditions => conditions)
respond_to do |format|
format.html {render :template => 'map_bugs/get_bugs.js', :content_type => "text/javascript"}
name = "NoName";
name = params['name'] if params['name'];
- @bug = MapBug.create_bug(lat, lon)
- #TODO: move this into a helper function
- url = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?lat=" + lat.to_s + "&lon=" + lon.to_s + "&zoom=16"
- response = REXML::Document.new(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url)))
- if result = response.get_text("reversegeocode/result")
- @bug.nearby_place = result.to_s
- else
- @bug.nearby_place = "unknown"
- end
- @bug.save;
- add_comment(@bug, comment, name);
+ #Include in a transaction to ensure that there is always a map_bug_comment for every map_bug
+ MapBug.transaction do
+ @bug = MapBug.create_bug(lat, lon)
+ #TODO: move this into a helper function
+ begin
+ url = "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?lat=" + lat.to_s + "&lon=" + lon.to_s + "&zoom=16"
+ response = REXML::Document.new(Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url)))
+ if result = response.get_text("reversegeocode/result")
+ @bug.nearby_place = result.to_s
+ else
+ @bug.nearby_place = "unknown"
+ end
+ rescue Exception => err
+ @bug.nearby_place = "unknown"
+ end
+ @bug.save;
+ add_comment(@bug, comment, name,"opened");
+ end
id = params['id'].to_i
bug = MapBug.find_by_id(id);
+ raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless bug
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError unless bug.visible
- bug_comment = add_comment(bug, params['text'], name);
+ MapBug.transaction do
+ bug_comment = add_comment(bug, params['text'], name,"commented");
+ end
raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("No id was given") unless params['id']
id = params['id'].to_i
+ name = "NoName";
+ name = params['name'] if params['name'];
bug = MapBug.find_by_id(id);
- bug.close_bug;
+ raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless bug
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError unless bug.visible
+ MapBug.transaction do
+ bug.close_bug;
+ add_comment(bug,:nil,name,"closed")
+ end
def rss
- request.format = :rss
- get_bugs
+ # Figure out the bbox
+ bbox = params['bbox']
+ if bbox and bbox.count(',') == 3
+ bbox = bbox.split(',')
+ @min_lon, @min_lat, @max_lon, @max_lat = sanitise_boundaries(bbox)
+ else
+ @min_lon = -180.0
+ @min_lat = -90.0
+ @max_lon = 180.0
+ @max_lat = 90.0
+ end
+ limit = getLimit
+ conditions = closedCondition
+ conditions = cond_merge conditions, [OSM.sql_for_area_no_quadtile(@min_lat, @min_lon, @max_lat, @max_lon)]
+ check_boundaries(@min_lon, @min_lat, @max_lon, @max_lat, :false)
+ @comments = MapBugComment.find(:all, :limit => limit, :order => "date_created DESC", :joins => :map_bug, :include => :map_bug, :conditions => conditions);
+ render :template => 'map_bugs/rss.rss'
def gpx_bugs
def read
@bug = MapBug.find(params['id'])
- render :text => "", :status => :gone unless @bug.visible
+ raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless @bug
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError unless @bug.visible
respond_to do |format|
- format.rss
+ format.rss
format.json { render :json => @bug.to_json(:methods => [:lat, :lon], :only => [:id, :status, :date_created], :include => { :map_bug_comment => { :only => [:commenter_name, :date_created, :comment]}}) }
def delete
bug = MapBug.find(params['id'])
- bug.status = "hidden"
- bug.save
+ raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless @bug
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError unless @bug.visible
+ MapBug.transaction do
+ bug.status = "hidden";
+ bug.save
+ add_comment(bug,:nil,name,"hidden")
+ end
render :text => "ok\n", :content_type => "text/html"
#TODO: There should be a better way to do this. CloseConditions are ignored at the moment
- bugs2 = MapBug.find(:all, :limit => limit, :order => "last_changed DESC", :joins => :map_bug_comment,
+ bugs2 = MapBug.find(:all, :limit => limit, :order => "last_changed DESC", :joins => :map_bug_comment, :include => :map_bug_comment,
:conditions => conditions)
@bugs = bugs2.uniq
respond_to do |format|
conditions = ['false']
- elsif request.format == :html
+ else #if request.format == :html
@title = t 'user.no_such_user.title'
@not_found_user = params[:display_name]
render :template => 'user/no_such_user', :status => :not_found
+ return
return conditions
- def add_comment(bug, comment, name)
+ def add_comment(bug, comment, name,event)
t = Time.now.getutc
- bug_comment = bug.map_bug_comment.create(:date_created => t, :visible => true, :comment => comment);
+ bug_comment = bug.map_bug_comment.create(:date_created => t, :visible => true, :event => event);
+ bug_comment.comment = comment unless comment == :nil
if @user
bug_comment.commenter_id = @user.id
bug_comment.commenter_name = @user.display_name