-# Swahili translations for Rails
-# by Joachim Mangilima (joachimm3@gmail.com) and Matthew Todd (http://matthewtodd.org)
+# Swahili translations for Ruby on Rails
+# - Initially sketched by Joachim Mangilima (joachimm3@gmail.com) and Matthew Todd (http://matthewtodd.org)
+# - Vastly improved by Joram (namtih58@gmail.com)
- default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- # TODO the short and long date formats are temporary until I can talk with someone...
- short: "%e ya %b"
- long: "%e ya %B, %Y"
+ default: '%d-%m-%Y'
+ short: '%e %b'
+ long: '%e %B, %Y'
day_names: [Jumpili, Jumatatu, Jumanne, Jumatano, Alhamisi, Ijumaa, Jumamosi]
abbr_day_names: [J2, J3, J4, J5, Al, Ij, J1]
- month_names: [~, Januari, Februari, Machi, Aprili, Mei, Juni, Julai, Agosti, Septemba, Oktoba, Novemba, Desemba]
- # TODO these abbreviated month names are temporary until I can talk with someone...
- abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
- order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
- # time:
- # formats:
- # default: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
- # short: "%e. %B, %H:%M Uhr"
- # long: "%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M Uhr"
- #
- # am: "vormittags"
- # pm: "nachmittags"
+ month_names: [~, Mwezi wa kwanza, Mwezi wa pili, Mwezi wa tatu, Mwezi wa nne, Mwezi wa tano, Mwezi wa sita, Mwezi wa saba, Mwezi wa nane, Mwezi wa tisa, Mwezi wa kumi, Mwezi wa kumi na moja, Mwezi wa kumi na mbili]
+ abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mac, Apr, Mei, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Okt, Nov, Des]
+ order:
+ - :day
+ - :month
+ - :year
+ time:
+ formats:
+ default: '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'
+ short: '%e %b %Y %H:%M'
+ long: '%A, %e. %B %Y, %H:%M:%S'
+ am: 'am'
+ pm: 'pm'
+ support:
+ array:
+ words_connector: ', '
+ two_words_connector: ' na '
+ last_word_connector: ', na '
+ select:
+ prompt: 'Tafadhali teua'
+ number:
+ format:
+ separator: ','
+ delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ currency:
+ format:
+ format: '%n%u'
+ unit: '/='
+ separator: ','
+ delimiter: '.'
+ precision: 2
+ significant: false
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: false
+ percentage:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ''
+ precision:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ''
+ human:
+ format:
+ delimiter: ''
+ precision: 3
+ significant: true
+ strip_insignificant_zeros: true
+ storage_units:
+ format: '%n %u'
+ units:
+ byte:
+ one: 'Byte'
+ other: 'Bytes'
+ kb: 'KB'
+ mb: 'MB'
+ gb: 'GB'
+ tb: 'TB'
+ decimal_units:
+ format: '%n %u'
+ units:
+ unit: ''
+ thousand: Elfu
+ million: Milioni
+ billion: Bilioni
+ trillion: Trilioni
+ quadrillion: Quadrillion
half_a_minute: 'nusu dakika'
- zero: 'chini ya sekunde 1'
one: 'chini ya sekunde 1'
- other: 'chini ya sekunde {{count}}'
+ other: 'chini ya sekunde %{count}'
one: 'sekunde 1'
- other: 'sekunde {{count}}'
+ other: 'sekunde %{count}'
- zero: 'chini ya dakika 1'
one: 'chini ya dakika 1'
- other: 'chini ya dakika {{count}}'
+ other: 'chini ya dakika %{count}'
one: 'dakika 1'
- other: 'dakika {{count}}'
+ other: 'dakika %{count}'
- one: 'kama saa 1'
- other: 'kama masaa {{count}}'
+ one: 'kama saa limoja'
+ other: 'kama masaa %{count}'
one: 'siku 1'
- other: 'siku {{count}}'
+ other: 'siku %{count}'
one: 'kama mwezi 1'
- other: 'kama miezi {{count}}'
+ other: 'kama miezi %{count}'
one: 'mwezi 1'
- other: 'miezi {{count}}'
+ other: 'miezi %{count}'
one: 'kama mwaka 1'
- other: 'kama miaka {{count}}'
+ other: 'kama miaka %{count}'
one: 'zaidi ya mwaka 1'
- other: 'zaidi ya miaka {{count}}'
- #
- # number:
- # format:
- # precision: 2
- # separator: ','
- # delimiter: '.'
- # currency:
- # format:
- # unit: '€'
- # format: '%n%u'
- # separator:
- # delimiter:
- # precision:
- # percentage:
- # format:
- # delimiter: ""
- # precision:
- # format:
- # delimiter: ""
- # human:
- # format:
- # delimiter: ""
- # precision: 1
- #
- support:
- array:
- words_connector: ", "
- two_words_connector: " na "
- last_word_connector: ", na "
+ other: 'zaidi ya miaka %{count}'
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: 'karibia mwaka'
+ other: 'karibia miaka %{count}'
+ prompts:
+ year: 'Mwaka'
+ month: 'Mwezi'
+ day: 'Siku'
+ hour: 'Saa'
+ minute: 'Dakika'
+ second: 'Sekunde'
+ helpers:
+ select:
+ prompt: 'Tafadhali teua'
+ submit:
+ create: 'Unda %{model}'
+ update: 'Sasaisha %{model}'
+ submit: 'Akibisha %{model}'
+ errors:
+ format: '%{attribute} %{message}'
+ messages: &errors_messages
+ inclusion: 'haipo kwenye orodha'
+ exclusion: 'haiwezi kutumika'
+ invalid: 'haifai'
+ confirmation: 'haifanani na hapo chini'
+ accepted: 'lazima ikubaliwe'
+ empty: 'haitakiwi kuwa tupu'
+ blank: 'haitakiwi kuwa wazi'
+ too_long: 'ndefu sana (isizidi herufi %{count})'
+ too_short: 'fupi mno (isipungue herufi %{count})'
+ wrong_length: 'idadi ya herufi hazilingani (inatakiwa %{count})'
+ not_a_number: 'inaruhusiwa namba tu'
+ not_an_integer: 'inaruhusiwa namba tu'
+ greater_than: 'z/iwe zaidi ya %{count}'
+ greater_than_or_equal_to: 'z/iwe sawa ama zaidi ya %{count}'
+ equal_to: 'z/iwe sawa na %{count}'
+ less_than: 'z/isizidi %{count}'
+ less_than_or_equal_to: 'z/iwe sawa na, ama chini ya %{count}'
+ odd: 'z/iwe witiri'
+ even: 'z/iwe shufwa'
- # TODO this error message template could use some work
- one: "Tumeshindwa kuhifadhi {{model}} hii kwa sababu ya jambo limoja."
- other: "Tumeshindwa kuhifadhi {{model}} hii kwa sababu ya mambo {{count}}."
- body: ""
+ one: '%{model} haikuhifadhiwa kwa sababu moja.'
+ other: '%{model} haikuhifadhiwa kwa sababu %{count}.'
+ body: 'Tafadhali kagua sehemu zifuatazo:'
- # The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
- # The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.
- # inclusion: "is not included in the list"
- exclusion: "haiwezi kutumika"
- invalid: "haifai"
- confirmation: "haifanani na hapo chini"
- # accepted: "must be accepted"
- empty: "haitakiwi kuwa wazi"
- blank: "haitakiwi kuwa wazi"
- too_long: "ndefu sana (isizidi herufi {{count}})"
- too_short: "fupi mno (isipungue herufi {{count}})"
- # wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be {{count}} characters)"
- taken: "imeshachukuliwa"
- not_a_number: "inaruhusiwa namba tu"
- # greater_than: "must be greater than {{count}}"
- # greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to {{count}}"
- # equal_to: "must be equal to {{count}}"
- # less_than: "must be less than {{count}}"
- # less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to {{count}}"
- # odd: "must be odd"
- # even: "must be even"
+ taken: 'imesajiliwa'
+ record_invalid: "Uhalalishaji umeshindikana: %{errors}"
+ <<: *errors_messages
+ full_messages:
+ format: '%{attribute}%{message}'