has_many :comments, -> { where(:visible => true).order(:created_at) }, :class_name => "NoteComment", :foreign_key => :note_id
- validates_presence_of :id, :on => :update
- validates_uniqueness_of :id
- validates_numericality_of :latitude, :only_integer => true
- validates_numericality_of :longitude, :only_integer => true
- validates_presence_of :closed_at if :status == "closed"
- validates_inclusion_of :status, :in => ["open", "closed", "hidden"]
+ validates :id, :uniqueness => true, :presence => { :on => :update },
+ :numericality => { :on => :update, :integer_only => true }
+ validates :latitude, :longitude, :numericality => { :only_integer => true }
+ validates :closed_at, :presence => true, :if => proc { :status == "closed" }
+ validates :status, :inclusion => %w(open closed hidden)
validate :validate_position
+ scope :visible, -> { where("status != 'hidden'") }
+ scope :invisible, -> { where("status = 'hidden'") }
after_initialize :set_defaults
# Sanity check the latitude and longitude and add an error if it's broken
def close
self.status = "closed"
self.closed_at = Time.now.getutc
- self.save
+ save
# Reopen a note
def reopen
self.status = "open"
self.closed_at = nil
- self.save
+ save
# Check if a note is visible
# Check if a note is closed
def closed?
- not closed_at.nil?
+ !closed_at.nil?
# Return the author object, derived from the first comment
def author
- self.comments.first.author
+ comments.first.author
# Return the author IP address, derived from the first comment
def author_ip
- self.comments.first.author_ip
+ comments.first.author_ip
+ private
# Fill in default values for new notes
def set_defaults