+ make edits public button: Make all my edits public
+ my settings: ההגדרות שלי
+ no home location: You have not entered your home location.
+ preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:"
+ profile description: "Profile Description:"
+ public editing:
+ disabled: Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous.
+ disabled link text: מדוע איני יכול לערוך?
+ enabled: Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data.
+ enabled link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Disabling_anonymous_edits
+ enabled link text: מה זה?
+ heading: "Public editing:"
+ return to profile: Return to profile
+ save changes button: שמירת השינויים
+ title: Edit account
+ update home location on click: Update home location when I click on the map?
+ confirm:
+ button: Confirm
+ failure: A user account with this token has already been confirmed.
+ heading: אימות חשבון משתמש
+ press confirm button: Press the confirm button below to activate your account.
+ success: Confirmed your account, thanks for signing up!
+ confirm_email:
+ button: Confirm
+ failure: An email address has already been confirmed with this token.
+ heading: Confirm a change of email address
+ press confirm button: Press the confirm button below to confirm your new email address.
+ success: Confirmed your email address, thanks for signing up!
+ friend_map:
+ nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper: [[nearby_user]]"
+ your location: מיקומך
+ go_public:
+ flash success: All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit.
+ login:
+ account not active: Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br />Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account.
+ auth failure: Sorry, couldn't log in with those details.
+ create_account: יצירת חשבון
+ email or username: "Email Address or Username:"
+ heading: Login
+ login_button: כניסה
+ lost password link: Lost your password?
+ password: "סיסמה:"
+ please login: Please login or {{create_user_link}}.
+ title: כניסה
+ lost_password:
+ email address: "כתובת דוא\"ל:"
+ heading: Forgotten Password?
+ new password button: Send me a new password
+ notice email cannot find: Couldn't find that email address, sorry.
+ notice email on way: Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon.
+ title: lost password
+ make_friend:
+ already_a_friend: You are already friends with {{name}}.
+ failed: Sorry, failed to add {{name}} as a friend.
+ success: "{{name}} is now your friend."
+ new:
+ confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:"
+ confirm password: "Confirm Password:"
+ contact_webmaster: Please contact the <a href="mailto:webmaster@openstreetmap.org">webmaster</a> to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.
+ display name: "שם התצוגה:"
+ email address: "Email Address:"
+ fill_form: Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account.
+ flash create success message: User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)<br /><br />Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.<br /><br />If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist webmaster@openstreetmap.org as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests.
+ heading: יצירת חשבון משתמש
+ license_agreement: By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">this Creative Commons license (by-sa)</a>.
+ no_auto_account_create: Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically.
+ not displayed publicly: Not displayed publicly (see <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy" title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">privacy policy</a>)
+ password: "סיסמה:"
+ signup: הרשמה
+ title: Create account
+ no_such_user:
+ body: Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong.
+ heading: המשתמש {{user}} אינו קיים
+ title: אין משתמש כזה
+ remove_friend:
+ not_a_friend: "{{name}} is not one of your friends."
+ success: "{{name}} was removed from your friends."
+ reset_password:
+ confirm password: "אימות הסיסמה:"
+ flash changed: סיסמתך השתנתה.
+ flash token bad: Didn't find that token, check the URL maybe?
+ heading: איפוס הסיסמה עבור {{user}}
+ password: "סיסמה:"
+ reset: איפוס הסיסמה
+ title: reset password
+ set_home:
+ flash success: Home location saved successfully
+ view:
+ add as friend: add as friend
+ add image: הוספת תמונה
+ ago: (לפני {{time_in_words_ago}})
+ change your settings: שינוי ההגדרות שלך
+ delete image: מחיקת תמונה
+ description: תאור
+ diary: diary
+ edits: עריכות
+ if set location: If you set your location, a pretty map and stuff will appear below. You can set your home location on your {{settings_link}} page.
+ km away: במרחק {{count}} ק"מ
+ m away: במרחק {{count}} מ'
+ mapper since: "Mapper since:"
+ my diary: היומן שלי
+ my edits: העריכות שלי
+ my settings: my settings
+ my traces: my traces
+ my_oauth_details: צפייה בפרטי ה־OAuth שלי
+ nearby users: "Nearby users:"
+ new diary entry: רשומה חדשה ביומן
+ no friends: לא הוספת חברים כלל עדיין.
+ no home location: No home location has been set.
+ no nearby users: There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet.
+ remove as friend: הסרה כחבר
+ send message: שליחת הודעה
+ settings_link_text: הגדרות
+ traces: מסלולים
+ upload an image: העלאת תמונה
+ user image heading: תמונת המשתמש
+ user location: User location
+ your friends: החברים שלך