- session[:token] = @user.tokens.create.token unless session[:token] and UserToken.find_by_token(session[:token])
- @preferred_editor = @user.preferred_editor || DEFAULT_EDITOR
- # Decide on a lat lon to initialise potlatch with. Various ways of doing this
- if params['lon'] and params['lat']
- @lon = params['lon'].to_f
- @lat = params['lat'].to_f
- @zoom = params['zoom'].to_i
- elsif params['mlon'] and params['mlat']
- @lon = params['mlon'].to_f
- @lat = params['mlat'].to_f
- @zoom = params['zoom'].to_i
- elsif params['gpx']
- #use gpx id to locate (dealt with below)
- elsif cookies.key?("_osm_location")
- @lon, @lat, @zoom, layers = cookies["_osm_location"].split("|")
- elsif @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil?
- @lon = @user.home_lon
- @lat = @user.home_lat
- else
- #catch all. Do nothing. lat=nil, lon=nil
- #Currently this results in potlatch starting up at 0,0 (Atlantic ocean).
+ editor = preferred_editor
+ if editor == "remote"
+ render :action => :index
+ return
+ end
+ @extra_body_class = "site-edit-#{editor}"
+ if params[:node]
+ bbox = Node.find(params[:node]).bbox.to_unscaled
+ @lat = bbox.centre_lat
+ @lon = bbox.centre_lon
+ elsif params[:way]
+ bbox = Way.find(params[:way]).bbox.to_unscaled
+ @lat = bbox.centre_lat
+ @lon = bbox.centre_lon
+ elsif params[:note]
+ note = Note.find(params[:note])
+ @lat = note.lat
+ @lon = note.lon
+ elsif params[:gpx]
+ trace = Trace.visible_to(@user).find(params[:gpx])
+ @lat = trace.latitude
+ @lon = trace.longitude
+ end
+ end
+ def copyright
+ @locale = params[:copyright_locale] || I18n.locale
+ end
+ def welcome
+ end
+ def preview
+ render :text => RichText.new(params[:format], params[:text]).to_html
+ end
+ def id
+ render "id", :layout => false
+ end
+ private
+ def redirect_map_params
+ anchor = []
+ if params[:lat] && params[:lon]
+ anchor << "map=#{params.delete(:zoom) || 5}/#{params.delete(:lat)}/#{params.delete(:lon)}"