+ require_user
+ end
+ if %w[id].include?(editor)
+ append_content_security_policy_directives(
+ :frame_src => %w[blob:]
+ )
+ end
+ begin
+ if params[:node]
+ bbox = Node.visible.find(params[:node]).bbox.to_unscaled
+ @lat = bbox.centre_lat
+ @lon = bbox.centre_lon
+ @zoom = 18
+ elsif params[:way]
+ bbox = Way.visible.find(params[:way]).bbox.to_unscaled
+ @lat = bbox.centre_lat
+ @lon = bbox.centre_lon
+ @zoom = 17
+ elsif params[:note]
+ note = Note.visible.find(params[:note])
+ @lat = note.lat
+ @lon = note.lon
+ @zoom = 17
+ elsif params[:gpx] && current_user
+ trace = Trace.visible_to(current_user).find(params[:gpx])
+ @lat = trace.latitude
+ @lon = trace.longitude
+ @zoom = 16
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ # don't try and derive a location from a missing/deleted object
+ end
+ end
+ def copyright
+ @locale = params[:copyright_locale] || I18n.locale
+ end
+ def welcome; end
+ def help; end
+ def about
+ @locale = params[:about_locale] || I18n.locale
+ end
+ def communities
+ OsmCommunityIndex::LocalChapter.add_to_i18n # this should be called on app init
+ @local_chapters = OsmCommunityIndex::LocalChapter.local_chapters
+ end
+ def export; end
+ def offline; end
+ def preview
+ render :html => RichText.new(params[:type], params[:text]).to_html
+ end
+ def id
+ append_content_security_policy_directives(
+ :connect_src => %w[*],
+ :img_src => %w[* blob:],
+ :script_src => %w[dev.virtualearth.net 'unsafe-eval'],
+ :style_src => %w['unsafe-inline']
+ )
+ render :layout => false
+ end
+ private
+ def redirect_browse_params
+ if params[:node]
+ redirect_to node_path(params[:node])
+ elsif params[:way]
+ redirect_to way_path(params[:way])
+ elsif params[:relation]
+ redirect_to relation_path(params[:relation])
+ elsif params[:note]
+ redirect_to browse_note_path(params[:note])
+ elsif params[:query]
+ redirect_to search_path(:query => params[:query])
+ end
+ end
+ def redirect_map_params
+ anchor = []
+ anchor << "map=#{params.delete(:zoom) || 5}/#{params.delete(:lat)}/#{params.delete(:lon)}" if params[:lat] && params[:lon]
+ if params[:layers]
+ anchor << "layers=#{params.delete(:layers)}"
+ elsif params.delete(:notes) == "yes"
+ anchor << "layers=N"