- var copyright = I18n.t('javascripts.map.copyright', {copyright_url: '/copyright'});
- var donate = I18n.t('javascripts.map.donate_link_text', {donate_url: 'http://donate.openstreetmap.org'});
- var layers = [
- new L.OSM.Mapnik({
- attribution: copyright + " ♥ " + donate,
- code: "M",
- keyid: "mapnik",
- name: I18n.t("javascripts.map.base.standard")
- }),
- new L.OSM.CycleMap({
- attribution: copyright + ". Tiles courtesy of <a href='http://www.opencyclemap.org/' target='_blank'>Andy Allan</a>",
- code: "C",
- keyid: "cyclemap",
- name: I18n.t("javascripts.map.base.cycle_map")
- }),
- new L.OSM.TransportMap({
- attribution: copyright + ". Tiles courtesy of <a href='http://www.opencyclemap.org/' target='_blank'>Andy Allan</a>",
- code: "T",
- keyid: "transportmap",
- name: I18n.t("javascripts.map.base.transport_map")
- }),
- new L.OSM.MapQuestOpen({
- attribution: copyright + ". Tiles courtesy of <a href='http://www.mapquest.com/' target='_blank'>MapQuest</a> <img src='http://developer.mapquest.com/content/osm/mq_logo.png'>",
- code: "Q",
- keyid: "mapquest",
- name: I18n.t("javascripts.map.base.mapquest")
- }),
- new L.OSM.HOT({
- attribution: copyright + ". Tiles courtesy of <a href='http://hot.openstreetmap.org/' target='_blank'>Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team</a>",
- code: "H",
- keyid: "hot",
- name: I18n.t("javascripts.map.base.hot")
- })
- ];
- function updateLayers(params) {
- var layerParam = params.layers || "M";
- var layersAdded = "";
- for (var i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (layerParam.indexOf(layers[i].options.code) >= 0) {
- map.addLayer(layers[i]);
- layersAdded = layersAdded + layers[i].options.code;
- } else if (i == 0 && layersAdded == "") {
- map.addLayer(layers[i]);
- } else {
- map.removeLayer(layers[i]);
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