+ activerecord:
+ # Translates all the model names, which is used in error handling on the web site
+ models:
+ acl: "Access Control List"
+ changeset: "Changeset"
+ changeset_tag: "Changeset Tag"
+ country: "Country"
+ diary_comment: "Diary Comment"
+ diary_entry: "Diary Entry"
+ friend: "Friend"
+ language: "Language"
+ message: "Message"
+ node: "Node"
+ node_tag: "Node Tag"
+ notifier: "Notifier"
+ old_node: "Old Node"
+ old_node_tag: "Old Node Tag"
+ old_relation: "Old Relation"
+ old_relation_member: "Old Relation Member"
+ old_relation_tag: "Old Relation Tag"
+ old_way: "Old Way"
+ old_way_node: "Old Way Node"
+ old_way_tag: "Old Way Tag"
+ relation: "Relation"
+ relation_member: "Relation Member"
+ relation_tag: "Relation Tag"
+ session: "Session"
+ trace: "Trace"
+ tracepoint: "Trace Point"
+ tracetag: "Trace Tag"
+ user: "User"
+ user_preference: "User Preference"
+ user_token: "User Token"
+ way: "Way"
+ way_node: "Way Node"
+ way_tag: "Way Tag"
+ # Translates all the model attributes, which is used in error handling on the web site
+ # Only the ones that are used on the web site are translated at the moment
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: "Body"
+ diary_entry:
+ user: "User"
+ title: "Title"
+ latitude: "Latitude"
+ longitude: "Longitude"
+ language: "Language"
+ friend:
+ user: "User"
+ friend: "Friend"
+ trace:
+ user: "User"
+ visible: "Visible"
+ name: "Name"
+ size: "Size"
+ latitude: "Latitude"
+ longitude: "Longitude"
+ public: "Public"
+ description: "Description"
+ message:
+ sender: "Sender"
+ title: "Title"
+ body: "Body"
+ recipient: "Recipient"
+ user:
+ email: "Email"
+ active: "Active"
+ display_name: "Display Name"
+ description: "Description"
+ languages: "Languages"
+ pass_crypt: "Password"
view: View
edit: Edit
nodes: "Nodes:"
part_of: "Part of:"
+ also_part_of: "also part of {{related_ways}}"
way_history: "Way History"
way_history_title: "Way History: {{way_name}}"
for_all_changes: "For changes by all users see {{recent_changes_link}}"
recent_changes: "Recent Changes"
+ new:
+ title: New Diary Entry
title: "Users' diaries"
+ user_title: "{{user}}'s diary"
new: New Diary Entry
new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary
no_entries: No diary entries
use_map_link: "use map"
save_button: "Save"
marker_text: Diary entry location
+ view:
+ title: "Users' diaries | {{user}}"
+ leave_a_comment: "Leave a comment"
+ save_button: "Save"
heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}"
body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
- posted_by: "Posted by {{link_user}} at {{created}} in {{language}}"
- comment_link: Comment on this entry
- reply_link: Reply to this entry
- comment_count:
- one: 1 comment
- other: "{{count}} comments"
- edit_link: Edit this entry
- comment_from: "Comment from {{link_user}} at {{comment_created_at}}"
+ diary_entry:
+ posted_by: "Posted by {{link_user}} at {{created}} in {{language}}"
+ comment_link: Comment on this entry
+ reply_link: Reply to this entry
+ comment_count:
+ one: 1 comment
+ other: "{{count}} comments"
+ edit_link: Edit this entry
+ diary_comment:
+ comment_from: "Comment from {{link_user}} at {{comment_created_at}}"
area_to_export: "Area to Export"
sotm: 'Come to the 2009 OpenStreetMap Conference, The State of the Map, July 10-12 in Amsterdam!'
alt_donation: Make a Donation
- diary:
+ diary_comment_notification:
banner1: "* Please do not reply to this email. *"
banner2: "* Use the OpenStreetMap web site to reply. *"
hi: "Hi {{to_user}},"
header: "{{from_user}} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry with the subject {{subject}}:"
footer: "You can also read the comment at {{readurl}} and you can comment at {{commenturl}} or reply at {{replyurl}}"
+ friend_notification:
+ had_added_you: "{{user}} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap."
+ see_their_profile: "You can see their profile at {{userurl}} and add them as a friend too if you wish."
greeting: "Hi there!"
hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at"
back_to_outbox: "Back to outbox"
+ home: "home"
js_1: "You are either using a browser that doesn't support javascript, or you have disabled javascript."
js_2: "OpenStreetMap uses javascript for its slippy map."
js_3: 'You may want to try the <a href="http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Browse/">Tiles@Home static tile browser</a> if you are unable to enable javascript.'
map_key: "Map key"
- upload: "Upload GPS Trace"
+ upload_trace: "Upload GPS Trace"
+ trace_uploaded: "Your GPX file has been uploaded and is awaiting insertion in to the database. This will usually happen within half an hour, and an email will be sent to you on completion."
filename: "Filename:"
uploaded_at: "Uploaded at:"
make_public: "Make this track public permanently"
edit_track: "Edit this track"
delete_track: "Delete this track"
+ viewing_trace: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
+ trace_not_found: "Trace not found!"
showing: "Showing page"
of: "of"
edit: "edit"
edit_map: "Edit Map"
public: "PUBLIC"
- pritate: "PRIVATE"
+ private: "PRIVATE"
by: "by"
in: "in"
+ map: "map"
+ list:
+ public_traces: "Public GPS traces"
+ your_traces: "Your GPS traces"
+ public_traces_from: "Public GPS traces from {{user}}"
+ tagged_with: " tagged with {{tags}}"
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: "Track scheduled for deletion"
+ make_public:
+ made_public: "Track made public"
heading: "Login"