+ assert_response :precondition_failed,
+ "shouldn't be able to delete a node used in a way (#{@response.body})"
+ # in a relation...
+ content(nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).to_xml)
+ delete :delete, :id => current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id
+ assert_response :precondition_failed,
+ "shouldn't be able to delete a node used in a relation (#{@response.body})"
+ end
+ ##
+ # tests whether the API works and prevents incorrect use while trying
+ # to update nodes.
+ def test_update
+ # try and update a node without authorisation
+ # first try to delete node without auth
+ content current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :unauthorized
+ # setup auth
+ basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).email, "test")
+ ## trying to break changesets
+ # try and update in someone else's changeset
+ content update_changeset(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml,
+ changesets(:second_user_first_change).id)
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :conflict, "update with other user's changeset should be rejected"
+ # try and update in a closed changeset
+ content update_changeset(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml,
+ changesets(:normal_user_closed_change).id)
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :conflict, "update with closed changeset should be rejected"
+ # try and update in a non-existant changeset
+ content update_changeset(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml, 0)
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :conflict, "update with changeset=0 should be rejected"
+ ## try and submit invalid updates
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml, 'lat', 91.0);
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :bad_request, "node at lat=91 should be rejected"
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml, 'lat', -91.0);
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :bad_request, "node at lat=-91 should be rejected"
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml, 'lon', 181.0);
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :bad_request, "node at lon=181 should be rejected"
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml, 'lon', -181.0);
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :bad_request, "node at lon=-181 should be rejected"
+ ## next, attack the versioning
+ current_node_version = current_nodes(:visible_node).version
+ # try and submit a version behind
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml,
+ 'version', current_node_version - 1);
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :conflict, "should have failed on old version number"
+ # try and submit a version ahead
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml,
+ 'version', current_node_version + 1);
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :conflict, "should have failed on skipped version number"
+ # try and submit total crap in the version field
+ content xml_attr_rewrite(current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml,
+ 'version', 'p1r4t3s!');
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :conflict,
+ "should not be able to put 'p1r4at3s!' in the version field"
+ ## finally, produce a good request which should work
+ content current_nodes(:visible_node).to_xml
+ put :update, :id => current_nodes(:visible_node).id
+ assert_response :success, "a valid update request failed"