authorize_resource :class => false
- before_action :check_api_readable, :except => [:capabilities]
- before_action :setup_user_auth, :only => [:permissions]
+ before_action :check_api_readable
around_action :api_call_handle_error, :api_call_timeout
- # Get an XML response containing a list of tracepoints that have been uploaded
- # within the specified bounding box, and in the specified page.
- def trackpoints
- # retrieve the page number
- page = params["page"].to_s.to_i
- unless page >= 0
- report_error("Page number must be greater than or equal to 0")
- return
- end
- offset = page * TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE
- # Figure out the bbox
- # check boundary is sane and area within defined
- # see /config/application.yml
- begin
- bbox = BoundingBox.from_bbox_params(params)
- bbox.check_boundaries
- bbox.check_size
- rescue StandardError => err
- report_error(err.message)
- return
- end
- # get all the points
- ordered_points = Tracepoint.bbox(bbox).joins(:trace).where(:gpx_files => { :visibility => %w[trackable identifiable] }).order("gpx_id DESC, trackid ASC, timestamp ASC")
- unordered_points = Tracepoint.bbox(bbox).joins(:trace).where(:gpx_files => { :visibility => %w[public private] }).order("gps_points.latitude", "gps_points.longitude", "gps_points.timestamp")
- points = ordered_points.union_all(unordered_points).offset(offset).limit(TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE)
- doc =
- doc.encoding = XML::Encoding::UTF_8
- root = "gpx"
- root["version"] = "1.0"
- root["creator"] = ""
- root["xmlns"] = ""
- doc.root = root
- # initialise these variables outside of the loop so that they
- # stay in scope and don't get free'd up by the GC during the
- # loop.
- gpx_id = -1
- trackid = -1
- track = nil
- trkseg = nil
- anon_track = nil
- anon_trkseg = nil
- gpx_file = nil
- timestamps = false
- points.each do |point|
- if gpx_id != point.gpx_id
- gpx_id = point.gpx_id
- trackid = -1
- gpx_file = Trace.find(gpx_id)
- if gpx_file.trackable?
- track = "trk"
- doc.root << track
- timestamps = true
- if gpx_file.identifiable?
- track << ("name") <<
- track << ("desc") << gpx_file.description)
- track << ("url") << url_for(:controller => "traces", :action => "show", :display_name => gpx_file.user.display_name, :id =>
- end
- else
- # use the anonymous track segment if the user hasn't allowed
- # their GPX points to be tracked.
- timestamps = false
- if anon_track.nil?
- anon_track = "trk"
- doc.root << anon_track
- end
- track = anon_track
- end
- end
- if trackid != point.trackid
- if gpx_file.trackable?
- trkseg = "trkseg"
- track << trkseg
- trackid = point.trackid
- else
- if anon_trkseg.nil?
- anon_trkseg = "trkseg"
- anon_track << anon_trkseg
- end
- trkseg = anon_trkseg
- end
- end
- trkseg << point.to_xml_node(timestamps)
- end
- response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"tracks.gpx\""
- render :xml => doc.to_s
- end
# This is probably the most common call of all. It is used for getting the
# OSM data for a specified bounding box, usually for editing. First the
# bounding box (bbox) is checked to make sure that it is sane. All nodes
render :xml => doc.to_s
- # Get a list of the tiles that have changed within a specified time
- # period
- def changes
- zoom = (params[:zoom] || "12").to_i
- if params.include?(:start) && params.include?(:end)
- starttime = Time.parse(params[:start])
- endtime = Time.parse(params[:end])
- else
- hours = (params[:hours] || "1").to_i.hours
- endtime =
- starttime = endtime - hours
- end
- if zoom >= 1 && zoom <= 16 &&
- endtime > starttime && endtime - starttime <= 24.hours
- mask = (1 << zoom) - 1
- tiles = Node.where(:timestamp => starttime..endtime).group("maptile_for_point(latitude, longitude, #{zoom})").count
- doc =
- changes = "changes"
- changes["starttime"] = starttime.xmlschema
- changes["endtime"] = endtime.xmlschema
- tiles.each do |tile, count|
- x = (tile.to_i >> zoom) & mask
- y = tile.to_i & mask
- t = "tile"
- t["x"] = x.to_s
- t["y"] = y.to_s
- t["z"] = zoom.to_s
- t["changes"] = count.to_s
- changes << t
- end
- doc.root << changes
- render :xml => doc.to_s
- else
- render :plain => "Requested zoom is invalid, or the supplied start is after the end time, or the start duration is more than 24 hours", :status => :bad_request
- end
- end
- # External apps that use the api are able to query the api to find out some
- # parameters of the API. It currently returns:
- # * minimum and maximum API versions that can be used.
- # * maximum area that can be requested in a bbox request in square degrees
- # * number of tracepoints that are returned in each tracepoints page
- def capabilities
- @database_status = database_status
- @api_status = api_status
- @gpx_status = gpx_status
- end
- # External apps that use the api are able to query which permissions
- # they have. This currently returns a list of permissions granted to the current user:
- # * if authenticated via OAuth, this list will contain all permissions granted by the user to the access_token.
- # * if authenticated via basic auth all permissions are granted, so the list will contain all permissions.
- # * unauthenticated users have no permissions, so the list will be empty.
- def permissions
- @permissions = if current_token.present?
- { |p| current_token.read_attribute(p) }
- elsif current_user
- ClientApplication.all_permissions
- else
- []
- end
- end