module ApplicationHelper
require 'rexml/document'
- def sanitize(text)
- Sanitize.clean(text, Sanitize::Config::OSM)
- end
- def htmlize(text)
- return linkify(sanitize(simple_format(text)))
- end
def linkify(text)
- return auto_link(text, :link => :urls, :html => { :rel => "nofollow" })
+ if text.html_safe?
+ Rinku.auto_link(text, :urls, tag_options(:rel => "nofollow")).html_safe
+ else
+ Rinku.auto_link(text, :urls, tag_options(:rel => "nofollow"))
+ end
def html_escape_unicode(text)
- chars = ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars.u_unpack(text).map do |c|
+ chars = ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Unicode.u_unpack(text).map do |c|
c < 127 ? c.chr : "&##{c.to_s};"
js << javascript_strings_for_key("javascripts")
js << "</script>\n"
- return js
+ return raw(js)
+ end
+ def style_rules
+ css = ""
+ css << ".hidden { display: none }";
+ css << ".hide_unless_logged_in { display: none }" unless @user;
+ css << ".hide_if_logged_in { display: none }" if @user;
+ css << ".hide_if_user_#{} { display: none }" if @user;
+ css << ".show_if_user_#{} { display: inline }" if @user;
+ css << ".hide_unless_administrator { display: none }" unless @user and @user.administrator?;
+ return content_tag(:style, css, :type => "text/css")
+ end
+ def if_logged_in(tag = :div, &block)
+ content_tag(tag, capture(&block), :class => "hide_unless_logged_in")
+ end
+ def if_not_logged_in(tag = :div, &block)
+ content_tag(tag, capture(&block), :class => "hide_if_logged_in")
+ end
+ def if_user(user, tag = :div, &block)
+ if user
+ content_tag(tag, capture(&block), :class => "hidden show_if_user_#{}")
+ end
+ end
+ def unless_user(user, tag = :div, &block)
+ if user
+ content_tag(tag, capture(&block), :class => "hide_if_user_#{}")
+ else
+ content_tag(tag, capture(&block))
+ end
+ end
+ def if_administrator(tag = :div, &block)
+ content_tag(tag, capture(&block), :class => "hide_unless_administrator")
def describe_location(lat, lon, zoom = nil, language = nil)
zoom = zoom || 14
language = language || request.user_preferred_languages.join(',')
url = "{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=#{zoom}&accept-language=#{language}"
- response =
- if result = response.get_text("reversegeocode/result")
+ begin
+ response = OSM::Timer.timeout(4) do
+ end
+ rescue Exception
+ response = nil
+ end
+ if response and result = response.get_text("reversegeocode/result")
"#{number_with_precision(lat, :precision => 3)}, #{number_with_precision(lon, :precision => 3)}"
def user_image(user, options = {})
options[:class] ||= "user_image"
- if user.image
- image_tag url_for_file_column(user, "image"), options
- else
- image_tag "anon_large.png", options
- end
+ image_tag user.image.url(:large), options
def user_thumbnail(user, options = {})
options[:class] ||= "user_thumbnail"
- if user.image
- image_tag url_for_file_column(user, "image"), options
+ image_tag user.image.url(:small), options
+ end
+ def preferred_editor
+ if params[:editor]
+ params[:editor]
+ elsif @user and @user.preferred_editor
+ @user.preferred_editor
- image_tag "anon_small.png", options
+ end
+ end
+ def scale_to_zoom(scale)
+ Math.log(360.0 / (scale.to_f * 512.0)) / Math.log(2.0)
+ end
+ def richtext_area(object_name, method, options = {})
+ id = "#{object_name.to_s}_#{method.to_s}"
+ format = options.delete(:format) || "markdown"
+ content_tag(:div, :id => "#{id}_container", :class => "richtext_container") do
+ output_buffer << content_tag(:div, :id => "#{id}_content", :class => "richtext_content") do
+ output_buffer << text_area(object_name, method, options.merge("data-preview-url" => preview_url(:format => format)))
+ output_buffer << content_tag(:div, "", :id => "#{id}_preview", :class => "richtext_preview")
+ end
+ output_buffer << content_tag(:div, :id => "#{id}_help", :class => "richtext_help") do
+ output_buffer << render("site/#{format}_help")
+ output_buffer << submit_tag(I18n.t("site.richtext_area.edit"), :id => "#{id}_doedit", :class => "richtext_doedit", :disabled => true)
+ output_buffer << submit_tag(I18n.t("site.richtext_area.preview"), :id => "#{id}_dopreview", :class => "richtext_dopreview")
+ end
def javascript_strings_for_key(key)
js = ""
- value = t(key, :locale => "en")
+ value = I18n.t(key, :locale => "en")
if value.is_a?(String)
js << "i18n_strings['#{key}'] = '" << escape_javascript(t(key)) << "';\n"