<%= javascript_include_tag "index" %>
<% end %>
+<% content_for(:body_class) { "map-layout" } %>
+<% if @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil? %>
+ <% content_for :greeting do %>
+ <%= link_to t("layouts.home"),
+ "#",
+ :id => "homeanchor",
+ :class => "set_position",
+ :data => { :lat => @user.home_lat,
+ :lon => @user.home_lon,
+ :zoom => 15 } %>
+ <% end %>
+<% end %>
<% content_for :content do %>
<div id="sidebar">
- <%= form_tag url_for(:controller => :geocoder, :action => :search), :id => "search_form" do %>
- <%= submit_tag t('site.search.submit_text') %>
- <div id='query_wrapper'>
- <%= text_field_tag :query, params[:query],
- :placeholder => t('site.search.search') %>
- <%= link_to t('site.search.where_am_i'),
- { :controller => :geocoder, :action => :description },
- { :id => "describe_location", :title => t('site.search.where_am_i_title') } %>
- </div>
+ <%= render :partial => "layouts/search" %>
+ <% if STATUS == :database_offline or STATUS == :api_offline %>
+ <p class="error"><%= t 'layouts.osm_offline' %></p>
+ <% elsif STATUS == :database_readonly or STATUS == :api_readonly %>
+ <p class="error"><%= t 'layouts.osm_read_only' %></p>
<% end %>
- <div id="sidebar_content">
- <% if STATUS == :database_offline or STATUS == :api_offline %>
- <p class="alert"><%= t 'layouts.osm_offline' %></p>
- <% elsif STATUS == :database_readonly or STATUS == :api_readonly %>
- <p class="alert"><%= t 'layouts.osm_read_only' %></p>
- <% end %>
+ <div id="browse_status"></div>
- <%= content_for :sidebar %>
+ <div id="sidebar_loader" style="display: none;">
+ <img alt="<%= t('browse.start_rjs.loading') %>" class="loader" src="<%= image_path("searching.gif") %>">
+ </div>
+ <div id="sidebar_content">
+ <%= render :partial => "layouts/flash" %>
+ <%= yield %>
<% end %>
+<%= render :template => 'layouts/site' %>