class SwfController < ApplicationController
session :off
- before_filter :check_read_availability
+ before_filter :check_api_readable
# to log:
# RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error("Args: #{args[0]}, #{args[1]}, #{args[2]}, #{args[3]}")
if params['token']
- user=User.authenticate(:token => params[:token])
- sql="SELECT gps_points.latitude*0.0000001 AS lat,gps_points.longitude*0.0000001 AS lon, AS fileid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(gps_points.timestamp) AS ts "+
- " FROM gpx_files,gps_points "+
- "WHERE "+
- " AND gpx_files.user_id=#{} "+
- " AND "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax,"gps_points.")+
- " AND (gps_points.timestamp IS NOT NULL) "+
- "ORDER BY fileid DESC,ts "+
- "LIMIT 10000"
- else
+ user=User.authenticate(:token => params[:token])
+ sql="SELECT gps_points.latitude*0.0000001 AS lat,gps_points.longitude*0.0000001 AS lon, AS fileid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(gps_points.timestamp) AS ts "+
+ " FROM gpx_files,gps_points "+
+ "WHERE "+
+ " AND gpx_files.user_id=#{} "+
+ " AND "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax,"gps_points.")+
+ " AND (gps_points.timestamp IS NOT NULL) "+
+ "ORDER BY fileid DESC,ts "+
+ "LIMIT 10000"
+ else
sql="SELECT latitude*0.0000001 AS lat,longitude*0.0000001 AS lon,gpx_id AS fileid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS ts "+
" FROM gps_points "+
"WHERE "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax,"gps_points.")+
def startShape
s =0.chr # No fill styles
s+=2.chr # Two line styles
- s+=packUI16(5) + 0.chr + 255.chr + 255.chr # Width 5, RGB #00FFFF
- s+=packUI16(5) + 255.chr + 0.chr + 255.chr # Width 5, RGB #FF00FF
+ s+=packUI16(0) + 0.chr + 255.chr + 255.chr # Width 5, RGB #00FFFF
+ s+=packUI16(0) + 255.chr + 0.chr + 255.chr # Width 5, RGB #FF00FF
s+=34.chr # 2 fill, 2 line index bits
# (this is duplicated from amf_controller, should probably share)
def lat2coord(a,basey,masterscale)
- -(lat2y(a)-basey)*masterscale+250
+ -(lat2y(a)-basey)*masterscale
def long2coord(a,baselong,masterscale)
- (a-baselong)*masterscale+350
+ (a-baselong)*masterscale
def lat2y(a)