//= require iD
+/* globals iD */
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
+ const container = document.getElementById("id-container");
+ if (typeof iD === "undefined" || !iD.utilDetect().support) {
+ container.innerHTML = "This editor is supported " +
+ "in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and Edge. " +
+ "Please upgrade your browser or use JOSM to edit the map.";
+ container.className = "unsupported";
+ } else {
+ const idContext = iD.coreContext();
+ idContext.connection().apiConnections([]);
+ const url = location.protocol + "//" + location.host;
+ idContext.preauth({
+ url: url,
+ apiUrl: url === "https://www.openstreetmap.org" ? "https://api.openstreetmap.org" : url,
+ access_token: container.dataset.token
+ });
+ const id = idContext
+ .embed(true)
+ .assetPath("iD/")
+ .assetMap(JSON.parse(container.dataset.assetMap))
+ .locale(container.dataset.locale)
+ .containerNode(container)
+ .init();
+ if (parent === window) {
+ // iD not opened in an iframe -> skip setting of parent handlers
+ return;
+ }
+ let hashChangedAutomatically = false;
+ id.map().on("move.embed", parent.$.throttle(250, function () {
+ if (id.inIntro()) return;
+ const zoom = ~~id.map().zoom(),
+ center = id.map().center(),
+ llz = { lon: center[0], lat: center[1], zoom: zoom };
+ parent.updateLinks(llz, zoom);
+ // Manually resolve URL to avoid iframe JS context weirdness.
+ // https://gist.github.com/jfirebaugh/5439412
+ const hash = parent.OSM.formatHash(llz);
+ if (hash !== parent.location.hash) {
+ hashChangedAutomatically = true;
+ parent.location.replace(parent.location.href.replace(/(#.*|$)/, hash));
+ }
+ }));
+ function goToLocation(data) {
+ // 0ms timeout to avoid iframe JS context weirdness.
+ // https://gist.github.com/jfirebaugh/5439412
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ id.map().centerZoom(
+ [data.lon, data.lat],
+ Math.max(data.zoom || 15, 13));
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ parent.$("body").on("click", "a.set_position", function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const data = parent.$(this).data();
+ goToLocation(data);
+ });
+ parent.addEventListener("hashchange", function (e) {
+ if (hashChangedAutomatically) {
+ hashChangedAutomatically = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const data = parent.OSM.mapParams();
+ goToLocation(data);
+ });
+ }