//= require jquery.simulate
OSM.Query = function(map) {
- var queryButton = $(".control-query .control-button"),
+ var protocol = document.location.protocol === "https:" ? "https:" : "http:",
+ url = protocol + OSM.OVERPASS_URL,
+ queryButton = $(".control-query .control-button"),
uninterestingTags = ['source', 'source_ref', 'source:ref', 'history', 'attribution', 'created_by', 'tiger:county', 'tiger:tlid', 'tiger:upload_uuid'],
if (queryButton.hasClass("disabled")) return;
if (queryButton.hasClass("active")) {
- disableQueryMode();
- OSM.router.route("/");
+ if ($("#content").hasClass("overlay-sidebar")) {
+ disableQueryMode();
+ }
} else {
if (geometry) map.removeLayer(geometry);
- .on("click", ".query-results li.query-result", function (e) {
- if (!$(e.target).is('a')) {
- $(this).find("a").simulate("click", e);
- }
+ .on("mousedown", ".query-results li.query-result", function (e) {
+ var moved = false;
+ $(this).one("click", function (e) {
+ if (!moved) {
+ var geometry = $(this).data("geometry")
+ if (geometry) map.removeLayer(geometry);
+ if (!$(e.target).is('a')) {
+ $(this).find("a").simulate("click", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }).one("mousemove", function () {
+ moved = true;
+ });
function interestingFeature(feature, origin, radius) {
$section.data("ajax", $.ajax({
+ url: url,
method: "POST",
data: {
data: "[timeout:5][out:json];" + query,
- .text(I18n.t("javascripts.query." + status, { server: OSM.OVERPASS_URL, error: error }))
+ .text(I18n.t("javascripts.query." + status, { server: url, error: error }))
+ /*
+ * To find nearby objects we ask overpass for the union of the
+ * following sets:
+ *
+ * node(around:<radius>,<lat>,lng>)
+ * way(around:<radius>,<lat>,lng>)
+ * node(w)
+ * relation(around:<radius>,<lat>,lng>)
+ *
+ * to find enclosing objects we first find all the enclosing areas:
+ *
+ * is_in(<lat>,<lng>)->.a
+ *
+ * and then return the union of the following sets:
+ *
+ * relation(pivot.a)
+ * way(pivot.a)
+ * node(w)
+ *
+ * In order to avoid overly large responses we don't currently
+ * attempt to complete any relations and instead just show those
+ * ways and nodes which are returned for other reasons.
+ */
function queryOverpass(lat, lng) {
var latlng = L.latLng(lat, lng),
radius = 10 * Math.pow(1.5, 19 - map.getZoom()),
around = "around:" + radius + "," + lat + "," + lng,
- features = "(node(" + around + ");way(" + around + ");relation(" + around + "))",
- nearby = "((" + features + ";way(bn));node(w));out;",
+ nodes = "node(" + around + ")",
+ ways = "way(" + around + ");node(w)",
+ relations = "relation(" + around + ")",
+ nearby = "(" + nodes + ";" + ways + ";" + relations + ");out;",
isin = "is_in(" + lat + "," + lng + ")->.a;(relation(pivot.a);way(pivot.a);node(w));out;";
$("#sidebar_content .query-intro")