+ ##
+ # Unfortunately if a PUT or POST request that has a body fails to
+ # read it then Apache will sometimes fail to return the response it
+ # is given to the client properly, instead erroring:
+ #
+ # https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=44782
+ #
+ # To work round this we call rewind on the body here, which is added
+ # as a filter, to force it to be fetched from Apache into a file.
+ def fetch_body
+ request.body.rewind
+ end
+ def map_layout
+ append_content_security_policy_directives(
+ :connect_src => %w(nominatim.openstreetmap.org overpass-api.de router.project-osrm.org valhalla.mapzen.com),
+ :script_src => %w(graphhopper.com open.mapquestapi.com),
+ :img_src => %w(developer.mapquest.com)
+ )
+ request.xhr? ? "xhr" : "map"
+ end
+ def preferred_editor
+ editor = if params[:editor]
+ params[:editor]
+ elsif @user && @user.preferred_editor
+ @user.preferred_editor
+ else
+ end
+ editor
+ end
+ helper_method :preferred_editor
+ def update_totp
+ if defined?(TOTP_KEY)
+ cookies["_osm_totp_token"] = {
+ :value => ROTP::TOTP.new(TOTP_KEY, :interval => 3600).now,
+ :domain => "openstreetmap.org",
+ :expires => 1.hour.from_now
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ private