scope :visible, -> { where(:visible => true) }
scope :visible_to, ->(u) { visible.where("visibility IN ('public', 'identifiable') OR user_id = ?", u) }
- scope :visible_to_all, -> { where(:visibility => %w(public identifiable)) }
+ scope :visible_to_all, -> { where(:visibility => %w[public identifiable]) }
scope :tagged, ->(t) { joins(:tags).where(:gpx_file_tags => { :tag => t }) }
validates :user, :presence => true, :associated => true
validates :name, :presence => true, :length => 1..255
validates :description, :presence => { :on => :create }, :length => 1..255
validates :timestamp, :presence => true
- validates :visibility, :inclusion => %w(private public trackable identifiable)
+ validates :visibility, :inclusion => %w[private public trackable identifiable]
def destroy
def tagstring=(s)
self.tags = if s.include? ","
- s.split(/\s*,\s*/).select { |tag| tag !~ /^\s*$/ }.collect do |tag|
+ s.split(/\s*,\s*/).reject { |tag| tag =~ /^\s*$/ }.collect do |tag|
tt =
tt.tag = tag
def mime_type
- filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
+ filetype = `/usr/bin/file -Lbz #{trace_name}`.chomp
gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
def extension_name
- filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
+ filetype = `/usr/bin/file -Lbz #{trace_name}`.chomp
gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
# Read in xml as text and return it's Node object representation
def self.from_xml(xml, create = false)
- p = XML::Parser.string(xml)
+ p = XML::Parser.string(xml, :options => XML::Parser::Options::NOERROR)
doc = p.parse
doc.find("//osm/gpx_file").each do |pt|
def xml_file
# TODO: *nix specific, could do to work on windows... would be functionally inferior though - check for '.gz'
- filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
+ filetype = `/usr/bin/file -Lbz #{trace_name}`.chomp
gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/