- # - Draw unwayed segments
- if params['unwayed']=='true'
- lastx=lasty=-999999
- sql="SELECT cn1.latitude AS lat1,cn1.longitude AS lon1,"+
- " cn2.latitude AS lat2,cn2.longitude AS lon2 "+
- " FROM current_segments "+
- " LEFT OUTER JOIN current_way_segments"+
- " ON segment_id=current_segments.id,"+
- " current_nodes AS cn1,current_nodes AS cn2"+
- " WHERE (cn1.longitude BETWEEN #{xmin} AND #{xmax})"+
- " AND (cn1.latitude BETWEEN #{ymin} AND #{ymax})"+
- " AND segment_id IS NULL"+
- " AND cn1.id=node_a AND cn1.visible=1"+
- " AND cn2.id=node_b AND cn2.visible=1"
- seglist=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all sql
- seglist.each do |row|
- xs1=long2coord(row['lon1'].to_f); ys1=lat2coord(row['lat1'].to_f)
- xs2=long2coord(row['lon2'].to_f); ys2=lat2coord(row['lat2'].to_f)
- if (xs1==lastx and ys1==lasty)
- b+=drawTo(xs2*20, ys2*20)
- lastx=xs2; lasty=ys2
- elsif (xs2==lastx and ys2==lasty)
- b+=drawTo(xs1*20, ys1*20)
- lastx=xs1; lasty=ys1
- else
- b+=startAndMove(xs1*20,ys1*20,'10')
- b+=drawTo(xs2*20, ys2*20)
- lastx=xs2; lasty=ys2
- end
- absx=lastx.floor; absy=lasty.floor
- while b.length>80 do
- r+=[b.slice!(0...80)].pack("B*")
- end
- end
- end