-class OldWay < ActiveRecord::Base
- set_table_name 'ways'
- belongs_to :user
+# == Schema Information
+# Table name: ways
+# way_id :bigint(8) default(0), not null, primary key
+# changeset_id :bigint(8) not null
+# timestamp :datetime not null
+# version :bigint(8) not null, primary key
+# visible :boolean default(TRUE), not null
+# redaction_id :integer
+# Indexes
+# ways_changeset_id_idx (changeset_id)
+# ways_timestamp_idx (timestamp)
+# Foreign Keys
+# ways_changeset_id_fkey (changeset_id => changesets.id)
+# ways_redaction_id_fkey (redaction_id => redactions.id)
+class OldWay < ApplicationRecord
+ include ConsistencyValidations
+ include ObjectMetadata
+ self.table_name = "ways"
+ self.primary_keys = "way_id", "version"
+ # note this needs to be included after the table name changes, or
+ # the queries generated by Redactable will use the wrong table name.
+ include Redactable
+ belongs_to :changeset
+ belongs_to :redaction
+ belongs_to :current_way, :class_name => "Way", :foreign_key => "way_id"
+ has_many :old_nodes, :class_name => "OldWayNode", :foreign_key => [:way_id, :version]
+ has_many :old_tags, :class_name => "OldWayTag", :foreign_key => [:way_id, :version]
+ validates :changeset, :presence => true, :associated => true
+ validates :timestamp, :presence => true
+ validates :visible, :inclusion => [true, false]
def self.from_way(way)
old_way = OldWay.new
old_way.visible = way.visible
- old_way.user_id = way.user_id
+ old_way.changeset_id = way.changeset_id
old_way.timestamp = way.timestamp
- old_way.id = way.id
+ old_way.way_id = way.id
old_way.version = way.version
old_way.nds = way.nds
old_way.tags = way.tags
- return old_way
+ old_way
def save_with_dependencies!
- # dont touch this unless you really have figured out why it's called
- # (Rails doesn't deal well with the old ways table (called 'ways') because
- # it doesn't have a unique key. It knows how to insert and auto_increment
- # id and get it back but we have that and we want to get the 'version' back
- # we could add another column but thats a lot of data. No, set_primary_key
- # doesn't work either.
- clear_aggregation_cache
- clear_association_cache
- @attributes.update(OldWay.find(:first, :conditions => ['id = ? AND timestamp = ?', self.id, self.timestamp]).instance_variable_get('@attributes'))
- # ok, you can touch from here on
- self.tags.each do |k,v|
+ tags.each do |k, v|
tag = OldWayTag.new
tag.k = k
tag.v = v
- tag.id = self.id
- tag.version = self.version
+ tag.way_id = way_id
+ tag.version = version
sequence = 1
- self.nds.each do |n|
+ nds.each do |n|
nd = OldWayNode.new
- nd.id = [self.id, self.version, sequence]
+ nd.id = [way_id, version, sequence]
nd.node_id = n
sequence += 1
def nds
- unless @nds
- @nds = Array.new
- OldWayNode.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ? AND version = ?", self.id, self.version], :order => "sequence_id").each do |nd|
- @nds += [nd.node_id]
- end
- end
- @nds
+ @nds ||= old_nodes.order(:sequence_id).collect(&:node_id)
def tags
- unless @tags
- @tags = Hash.new
- OldWayTag.find(:all, :conditions => ["id = ? AND version = ?", self.id, self.version]).each do |tag|
- @tags[tag.k] = tag.v
- end
- end
- @tags = Hash.new unless @tags
- @tags
+ @tags ||= Hash[old_tags.collect { |t| [t.k, t.v] }]
- def nds=(s)
- @nds = s
- end
+ attr_writer :nds, :tags
- def tags=(t)
- @tags = t
- end
+ def to_xml_node(changeset_cache = {}, user_display_name_cache = {})
+ el = XML::Node.new "way"
+ el["id"] = way_id.to_s
-# has_many :way_nodes, :class_name => 'OldWayNode', :foreign_key => 'id'
-# has_many :way_tags, :class_name => 'OldWayTag', :foreign_key => 'id'
+ add_metadata_to_xml_node(el, self, changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
- def old_nodes
- OldWayNode.find(:all, :conditions => ['id = ? AND version = ?', self.id, self.version])
- end
+ old_nodes.each do |nd| # FIXME: need to make sure they come back in the right order
+ node_el = XML::Node.new "nd"
+ node_el["ref"] = nd.node_id.to_s
+ el << node_el
+ end
- def old_tags
- OldWayTag.find(:all, :conditions => ['id = ? AND version = ?', self.id, self.version])
- end
+ add_tags_to_xml_node(el, old_tags)
- def to_xml_node
- el1 = XML::Node.new 'way'
- el1['id'] = self.id.to_s
- el1['visible'] = self.visible.to_s
- el1['timestamp'] = self.timestamp.xmlschema
- el1['user'] = self.user.display_name if self.user.data_public?
- el1['version'] = self.version.to_s
- self.old_nodes.each do |nd| # FIXME need to make sure they come back in the right order
- e = XML::Node.new 'nd'
- e['ref'] = nd.node_id.to_s
- el1 << e
- end
- self.old_tags.each do |tag|
- e = XML::Node.new 'tag'
- e['k'] = tag.k
- e['v'] = tag.v
- el1 << e
- end
- return el1
+ el
# Read full version of old way
# For get_nodes_undelete, uses same nodes, even if they've moved since
- # For get_nodes_revert, allocates new ids
+ # For get_nodes_revert, allocates new ids
# Currently returns Potlatch-style array
+ # where [5] indicates whether latest version is usable as is (boolean)
+ # (i.e. is it visible? are we actually reverting to an earlier version?)
def get_nodes_undelete
- points = []
- self.nds.each do |n|
- node=Node.find(n)
- points << [node.lon, node.lat, n, node.visible ? 1 : 0, node.tags_as_hash]
+ nds.collect do |n|
+ node = Node.find(n)
+ [node.lon, node.lat, n, node.version, node.tags_as_hash, node.visible]
- points
- def get_nodes_revert
- points=[]
- self.nds.each do |n|
- oldnode=OldNode.find(:first, :conditions=>['id=? AND timestamp<=?',n,self.timestamp], :order=>"timestamp DESC")
- curnode=Node.find(n)
- id=n; v=curnode.visible ? 1 : 0
- if oldnode.lat!=curnode.lat or oldnode.lon!=curnode.lon or oldnode.tags!=curnode.tags then
+ def get_nodes_revert(timestamp)
+ points = []
+ nds.each do |n|
+ oldnode = OldNode.where("node_id = ? AND timestamp <= ?", n, timestamp).unredacted.order("timestamp DESC").first
+ curnode = Node.find(n)
+ id = n
+ reuse = curnode.visible
+ if oldnode.lat != curnode.lat || oldnode.lon != curnode.lon || oldnode.tags != curnode.tags
# node has changed: if it's in other ways, give it a new id
- if curnode.ways-[self.id] then id=-1; v=nil end
+ if curnode.ways - [way_id]
+ id = -1
+ reuse = false
+ end
- points << [oldnode.lon, oldnode.lat, id, v, oldnode.tags_as_hash]
+ points << [oldnode.lon, oldnode.lat, id, curnode.version, oldnode.tags_as_hash, reuse]
- # Temporary method to match interface to nodes
- def tags_as_hash
- return self.tags
- end
# Temporary method to match interface to ways
def way_nodes
- return self.old_nodes
+ old_nodes
# Pretend we're not in any relations
def containing_relation_members
- return []
+ []
+ end
+ # check whether this element is the latest version - that is,
+ # has the same version as its "current" counterpart.
+ def is_latest_version?
+ current_way.version == version