friendly: '%e de %B %Y a %H:%M'
+ helpers:
+ submit:
+ diary_comment:
+ create: Salveguardar
+ diary_entry:
+ create: Publicar
+ update: Actualisar
+ issue_comment:
+ create: Adder commento
+ message:
+ create: Inviar
+ client_application:
+ create: Registrar
+ update: Modificar
+ redaction:
+ create: Crear obscuration
+ update: Salveguardar obscuration
+ trace:
+ create: Incargar
+ update: Salveguardar modificationes
+ user_block:
+ create: Crear blocada
+ update: Actualisar blocada
tracetag: Etiquetta de tracia
user: Usator
user_preference: Preferentias de usator
- user_token: Indicio de usator
+ user_token: Token del usator
way: Via
way_node: Nodo de via
way_tag: Etiquetta de via
description: Description
languages: Linguas
pass_crypt: Contrasigno
+ datetime:
+ distance_in_words_ago:
+ about_x_hours:
+ one: circa 1 hora retro
+ other: circa %{count} horas retro
+ about_x_months:
+ one: circa 1 mense retro
+ other: circa %{count} menses retro
+ about_x_years:
+ one: circa 1 anno retro
+ other: circa %{count} annos retro
+ almost_x_years:
+ one: quasi 1 anno retro
+ other: quasi %{count} annos retro
+ half_a_minute: un medie minuta retro
+ less_than_x_seconds:
+ one: minus de 1 seconda retro
+ other: minus de %{count} secundas retro
+ less_than_x_minutes:
+ one: minus de un minuta retro
+ other: minus de %{count} minutas retro
+ over_x_years:
+ one: plus de 1 anno retro
+ other: plus de %{count} annos retro
+ x_seconds:
+ one: 1 secunda retro
+ other: '%{count} secundas retro'
+ x_minutes:
+ one: 1 minuta retro
+ other: '%{count} minutas retro'
+ x_days:
+ one: 1 die retro
+ other: '%{count} dies retro'
+ x_months:
+ one: 1 mense retro
+ other: '%{count} menses retro'
+ x_years:
+ one: 1 anno retro
+ other: '%{count} annos retro'
default: Predefinite (actualmente %{name})
- opened_at_html: Create %{when} retro
- opened_at_by_html: Create %{when} retro per %{user}
- commented_at_html: Actualisate %{when} retro
- commented_at_by_html: Actualisate %{when} retro per %{user}
- closed_at_html: Resolvite %{when} retro
- closed_at_by_html: Resolvite %{when} retro per %{user}
- reopened_at_html: Reactivate %{when} retro
- reopened_at_by_html: Reactivate %{when} retro per %{user}
+ opened_at_html: Create %{when}
+ opened_at_by_html: Create %{when} per %{user}
+ commented_at_html: Actualisate %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: Actualisate %{when} per %{user}
+ closed_at_html: Resolvite %{when}
+ closed_at_by_html: Resolvite %{when} per %{user}
+ reopened_at_html: Reactivate %{when}
+ reopened_at_by_html: Reactivate %{when} per %{user}
title: Notas de OpenStreetMap
description_area: Un lista de notas reportate, commentate o claudite in tu
created: Create a
closed: Claudite a
- created_html: Create <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr>
- closed_html: Claudite <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr>
- created_by_html: Create <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr> per %{user}
- deleted_by_html: Delite <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr> per %{user}
- edited_by_html: Modificate <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr> per %{user}
- closed_by_html: Claudite <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr> per %{user}
+ created_html: Create <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr>
+ closed_html: Claudite <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr>
+ created_by_html: Create <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> per %{user}
+ deleted_by_html: Delite <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> per %{user}
+ edited_by_html: Modificate <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> per %{user}
+ closed_by_html: Claudite <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> per %{user}
version: Version
in_changeset: Gruppo de modificationes
anonymous: anonyme
relation: Relationes (%{count})
relation_paginated: Relationes (%{x}-%{y} de %{count})
comment: Commentos (%{count})
- hidden_commented_by: Commento celate de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
- retro</abbr>
- commented_by: Commento de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} retro</abbr>
+ hidden_commented_by: Commento celate de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Commento de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
changesetxml: XML del gruppo de modificationes
osmchangexml: XML osmChange
tag: Le pagina wiki que describe le etiquetta %{key}=%{value}
wikidata_link: Le elemento %{page} in Wikidata
wikipedia_link: Le articulo %{page} in Wikipedia
+ wikimedia_commons_link: Le objecto %{page} sur Wikimedia Commons
telephone_link: Telephonar %{phone_number}
+ colour_preview: Previsualisation del color %{colour_value}
title: 'Nota: %{id}'
new_note: Nove nota
open_title: Nota non resolvite №%{note_name}
closed_title: Nota resolvite №%{note_name}
hidden_title: Nota celate №%{note_name}
- open_by: Create per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} retro</abbr>
- open_by_anonymous: Create per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
- retro</abbr>
- commented_by: Commento scribite per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
- retro</abbr>
- commented_by_anonymous: Commento scribite per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
- retro</abbr>
- closed_by: Resolvite per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} retro</abbr>
- closed_by_anonymous: Resolvite per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
- retro</abbr>
- reopened_by: Reactivate per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} retro</abbr>
- reopened_by_anonymous: Reactivate per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}
- retro</abbr>
- hidden_by: Celate per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when} retro</abbr>
+ open_by: Create per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ open_by_anonymous: Create per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by: Commento de %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ commented_by_anonymous: Commento de un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by: Resolvite per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ closed_by_anonymous: Resolvite per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ reopened_by: Reactivate per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ reopened_by_anonymous: Reactivate per un anonymo <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
+ hidden_by: Celate per %{user} <abbr title='%{exact_time}'>%{when}</abbr>
report: Signalar iste nota
title: Cercar objectos
comment: Nove commento sur le gruppo de modificationes № %{changeset_id} per
- commented_at_by_html: Actualisate %{when} retro per %{user}
+ commented_at_by_html: Actualisate %{when} per %{user}
comment: Nove commento sur le gruppo de modificationes № %{changeset_id} per
title: Nove entrata de diario
- publish_button: Publicar
+ form:
+ subject: 'Subjecto:'
+ body: 'Texto:'
+ language: 'Lingua:'
+ location: 'Loco:'
+ latitude: 'Latitude:'
+ longitude: 'Longitude:'
+ use_map_link: usar carta
title: Diarios de usatores
title_friends: Diarios de amicos
newer_entries: Entratas plus recente
title: Modificar entrata de diario
- subject: 'Subjecto:'
- body: 'Texto:'
- language: 'Lingua:'
- location: 'Loco:'
- latitude: 'Latitude:'
- longitude: 'Longitude:'
- use_map_link: usar carta
- save_button: Salveguardar
marker_text: Loco de entrata de diario
title: Diario de %{user} | %{title}
leave_a_comment: Lassar un commento
login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} pro lassar un commento'
login: Aperir session
- save_button: Salveguardar
title: Nulle tal entrata de diario
heading: 'Nulle entrata con le ID: %{id}'
other: '%{count} commentos'
edit_link: Modificar iste entrata
hide_link: Celar iste entrata
+ unhide_link: Non plus celar iste entrata
confirm: Confirmar
report: Signalar iste entrata
comment_from: Commento de %{link_user} a %{comment_created_at}
hide_link: Celar iste commento
+ unhide_link: Non plus celar iste commento
confirm: Confirmar
report: Signalar iste commento
post: Articulo
when: Quando
comment: Commento
- ago: '%{ago} retro'
newer_comments: Commentos plus recente
older_comments: Commentos plus ancian
"yes": Tempore libere
adit: Galeria de mina
+ beacon: Fanal
+ beehive: Apiculario
+ breakwater: Rumpe-undas
+ bridge: Ponte
+ bunker_silo: Bunker
+ chimney: Camino
+ crane: Grue
+ dolphin: Poste de ammarrage
+ dyke: Dica
+ embankment: Terrapleno
+ flagpole: Palo de baniera
+ gasometer: Gasometro
+ kiln: Furno
lighthouse: Pharo
+ mast: Mast
mine: Mina
+ mineshaft: Puteo de mina
+ monitoring_station: Station de surveliantia
+ petroleum_well: Puteo petrolifere
+ pier: Jectata
pipeline: Tubulatura
+ silo: Silo
+ storage_tank: Cisterna de immagazinage
+ surveillance: Surveliantia
tower: Turre
+ wastewater_plant: Station de depuration de aquas usate
+ watermill: Molino de aqua
+ water_tower: Turre de aqua
+ water_well: Puteo
+ water_works: Tractamento de aqua
+ windmill: Molino de vento
works: Fabrica
"yes": Artificial
architect: Architecto
association: Association
company: Compania
+ educational_institution: Institution educative
employment_agency: Agentia de empleo
estate_agent: Agentia immobiliari
government: Officio governamental
insurance: Officio de assecurantia
+ it: Officio informatic
lawyer: Advocato
ngo: Officio de un ONG
telecommunication: Officio de telecommunication
allotments: Jardines familial
city: Citate
+ city_block: Bloco urban
country: Pais
county: Contato
farm: Ferma
municipality: Municipalitate
neighbourhood: Quartiero
postcode: Codice postal
+ quarter: Quartiero
region: Region
sea: Mar
square: Placia
status: Stato
reports: Reportos
last_updated: Ultime actualisation
- last_updated_time_html: <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr>
- last_updated_time_user_html: <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time} retro</abbr> per
- %{user}
+ last_updated_time_html: <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr>
+ last_updated_time_user_html: <abbr title='%{title}'>%{time}</abbr> per %{user}
link_to_reports: Vider reportos
one: 1 reporto
reassign_param: Reassignar problema?
updated_at: Le %{datetime}
+ reported_by_html: Reportate como %{category} per %{user}
+ helper:
+ reportable_title:
+ diary_comment: '%{entry_title}, commento #%{comment_id}'
+ note: 'Nota #%{note_id}'
+ issue_comments:
+ create:
+ comment_created: Tu commento ha essite create
+ reports:
+ new:
+ title_html: Reportar %{link}
+ missing_params: Impossibile crear un nove reporto
+ details: Per favor, forni plus detalios sur le problema (obligatori).
+ select: 'Selige un motivo pro tu reporto:'
+ disclaimer:
+ intro: 'Ante de inviar tu reporto al moderatores del sito, per favor assecura
+ te que:'
+ not_just_mistake: Tu es secur que le problema non es solmente un error
+ unable_to_fix: Tu non es capace de solver le problema tu mesme o con le adjuta
+ de altere membros del communitate
+ resolve_with_user: Tu ha jam essayate de resolver le problema con le usator
+ in question
+ categories:
+ diary_entry:
+ spam_label: Iste entrata de diario es/contine spam
+ offensive_label: Iste entrata de diario es obscen/offensive
+ threat_label: Iste entrata de diario contine un menacia
+ other_label: Altere
+ diary_comment:
+ spam_label: Iste commento de diario es/contine spam
+ offensive_label: Iste commento de diario es obscen/offensive
+ threat_label: Iste commento de diario contine un menacia
+ other_label: Altere
+ user:
+ spam_label: Iste profilo de usator es/contine spam
+ offensive_label: Iste profilo de usator es obscen/offensive
+ threat_label: Iste profilo de usator contine un menacia
+ vandal_label: Iste usator es un vandalo
+ other_label: Altere
+ note:
+ spam_label: Iste nota es spam
+ personal_label: Iste nota contine datos personal
+ abusive_label: Iste nota es injuriose
+ other_label: Altere
+ create:
+ successful_report: Tu reporto ha essite registrate
+ provide_details: Per favor, forni le detalios necessari
alt_text: Logo de OpenStreetMap
edit: Modificar
history: Historia
export: Exportar
+ issues: Problemas
data: Datos
export_data: Exportar datos
gps_traces: Tracias GPS
intro_text: OpenStreetMap es un carta del mundo, create per gente como tu e libere
de usar sub un licentia aperte.
intro_2_create_account: Crea un conto de usator
+ hosting_partners_html: Le allogiamento web es supportate per %{ucl}, %{bytemark}
+ e altere %{partners}.
partners_ucl: UCL
partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
partners_partners: partners
+ tou: Conditiones de uso
osm_offline: Le base de datos de OpenStreetMap non es disponibile al momento debite
a operationes de mantenentia essential.
osm_read_only: Le base de datos de OpenStreetMap es al momento in modo de solmente
send_message_to: Inviar un nove message a %{name}
subject: Subjecto
body: Texto
- send_button: Inviar
back_to_inbox: Retornar al cassa de entrata
message_sent: Message inviate
Licentia</a> pro detalios.
legal_title: Juridic
legal_html: "Iste sito e multe altere servicios associate es formalmente gerite
- per le \n<a href=\"http://osmfoundation.org/\">Fundation OpenStreetMap</a>
+ per le \n<a href=\"https://osmfoundation.org/\">Fundation OpenStreetMap</a>
(OSMF) \nin nomine del communitate. Le uso de tote le servicios gerite per
- OSMF es subjecte a nostre <a href=\"http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Acceptable_Use_Policy\">\npoliticas
+ OSMF es subjecte a nostre <a href=\"https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use\">conditiones
+ de uso</a>, a nostre <a href=\"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Acceptable_Use_Policy\">\npoliticas
de uso acceptabile</a> e a nostre <a href=\"http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy\">politica
- de confidentialitate</a>\n<br> \n<a href=\"http://osmfoundation.org/Contact\">Contacta
+ de confidentialitate</a>.\n<br> \n<a href=\"https://osmfoundation.org/Contact\">Contacta
OSMF</a> \nsi vos ha questiones sur licentias, derectos de autor o altere
- themas juridic."
+ themas juridic.\n<br>\nOpenStreetMap, le logotypo de lupa e \"State of the
+ Map\" es <a href=\"https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Trademark_Policy\">marcas
+ commercial registrate del OSMF</a>."
partners_title: Partners
<a href="http://www.gu.gov.si/en/">Surveying and Mapping Authority</a> e del
<a href="http://www.mkgp.gov.si/en/">Ministerio del Agricultura, Silvicultura e Alimento</a>
(information public de Slovenia).
+ contributors_es_html: '<strong>Espania</strong>: Contine datos proveniente
+ del Instituto Geographic National (<a href="http://www.ign.es/">IGN</a>)
+ e del Systema Cartographic National (<a href="http://www.scne.es/">SCNE</a>),
+ licentiate pro su reutilisation sub <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">CC
+ BY 4.0</a>.'
contributors_za_html: |-
<strong>Africa del Sud</strong>: Contine datos proveniente del
<a href="http://www.ngi.gov.za/">Chief Directorate:
contributors_gb_html: |-
<strong>Regno Unite</strong>: Contine datos de Ordnance
Survey © copyright del Corona e derecto de base de datos
- 2010-12.
+ 2010-19.
contributors_footer_1_html: |-
Pro ulterior detalios de iste e altere fontes que ha essite usate
pro adjutar a meliorar OpenStreetMap, vide le <a
subjectos de cartographia in collaboration con alteres.
url: /welcome
- title: Benvenite a OSM
+ title: Benvenite a OpenStreetMap
description: Comencia con iste guida rapide sur le fundamentos de OpenStreetMap.
title: Guida pro comenciantes
description: Guida pro comenciantes, mantenite per le communitate.
url: https://help.openstreetmap.org/
- title: help.openstreetmap.org
+ title: Foro de adjuta
description: Pone un question o cerca responsas sur le sito de questiones
- e responsas de OSM.
+ e responsas de OpenStreetMap.
title: Listas de diffusion
description: Pone un question o discute cosas interessante sur un varietate
description: Adjuta pro companias e organisationes qui vole migrar a cartas
e altere servicios a base de OpenStreetMap.
+ welcomemat:
+ title: Pro organisationes
+ description: Es tu con un organisation que face planos pro OpenStreetMap?
+ Trova lo que tu debe saper sur le Matta de Benvenita.
url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/
- title: wiki.openstreetmap.org
- description: Percurre le wiki pro le documentation in detalio de OSM.
+ title: Wiki OpenStreetMap
+ description: Percurre le wiki pro le documentation in detalio de OpenStreetMap.
search_results: Resultatos del recerca
close: Clauder
where_am_i: Ubi es isto?
where_am_i_title: Describer le position actual per medio del motor de recerca
submit_text: Va
+ reverse_directions_text: Inverter le itinerario
identifiable: Identificabile (monstrate in le lista de tracias e como identificabile,
punctos ordinate con datas e horas)
+ upload_trace: Incargar tracia GPS
upload_gpx: 'Incargar file GPX:'
description: 'Description:'
tags: 'Etiquettas:'
tags_help: separate per commas
visibility: 'Visibilitate:'
visibility_help: que significa isto?
- upload_button: Incargar
help: Adjuta
upload_trace: Incargar tracia GPS
trace_uploaded: Tu file GPX ha essite incargate e attende insertion in le base
de datos. Isto prende generalmente minus de un medie hora, e un e-mail te
essera inviate al completion.
+ upload_failed: Le incargamento GPX ha fallite. Un administrator ha essite advertite
+ del error. Per favor, proba lo de novo.
one: Tu ha %{count} tracia attendente incargamento. Per favor considera attender
le completion de iste ante de incargar alteres, pro non blocar le cauda
description: 'Description:'
tags: 'Etiquettas:'
tags_help: separate per commas
- save_button: Salveguardar modificationes
visibility: 'Visibilitate:'
visibility_help: que significa isto?
+ update:
+ updated: Tracia actualisate
tags: Etiquettas
delete_trace: Deler iste tracia
trace_not_found: Tracia non trovate!
visibility: 'Visibilitate:'
+ confirm_delete: Deler iste tracia?
showing_page: Pagina %{page}
older: Tracias plus ancian
newer: Tracias plus nove
pending: PENDENTE
- count_points: '%{count} punctos'
- ago: '%{time_in_words_ago} retro'
+ count_points:
+ one: 1 puncto
+ other: '%{count} punctos'
more: plus
trace_details: Vider detalios del tracia
view_map: Vider carta
map: carta
public_traces: Tracias GPS public
+ my_traces: Mi tracias GPS
public_traces_from: Tracias GPS public de %{user}
description: Percurrer le tracias GPS incargate recentemente
tagged_with: ' etiquettate con %{tags}'
upload_trace: Incargar un tracia
see_all_traces: Vider tote le tracias
+ see_my_traces: Vider mi tracias
scheduled_for_deletion: Tracia programmate pro deletion
other: File GPX con %{count} punctos de %{user}
description_without_count: File GPX de %{user}
+ permission_denied: Tu non ha le permission de acceder a iste action
cookies_needed: Tu pare haber disactivate le cookies. Per favor activa le cookies
in tu navigator ante de continuar.
+ require_admin:
+ not_an_admin: Tu debe esser administrator pro exequer iste action.
blocked_zero_hour: Tu ha un message urgente sur le sito web de OpenStreetMap.
Tu debe leger le message ante de poter salveguardar tu modificationes.
title: Requesta de autorisation fallite
denied: Tu ha refusate al application %{app_name} le accesso a tu conto.
- invalid: Le indicio de autorisation non es valide.
+ invalid: Le token de autorisation non es valide.
- flash: Tu ha revocate le indicio pro %{application}
+ flash: Tu ha revocate le token pro %{application}
missing: Tu non ha permittite al application le accesso a iste facilitate
title: Registrar un nove application
- submit: Registrar
title: Modificar tu application
- submit: Modificar
title: Detalios OAuth pro %{app_name}
key: 'Clave de consumitor:'
secret: 'Secreto de consumitor:'
- url: 'URL del indicio de requesta:'
- access_url: 'URL del indicio de accesso:'
+ url: 'URL del token de requesta:'
+ access_url: 'URL del token de accesso:'
authorize_url: 'URL de autorisation:'
support_notice: Nos supporta le signaturas HMAC-SHA1 (recommendate) e RSA-SHA1.
edit: Modificar detalios
title: Mi detalios OAuth
my_tokens: Mi applicationes autorisate
- list_tokens: 'Le sequente indicios ha essite emittite a applicationes in tu
- nomine:'
+ list_tokens: 'Le sequente tokens ha essite emittite a applicationes in tu nomine:'
application: Nomine del application
issued_at: Emittite le
revoke: Revocar!
confirm password: 'Confirma contrasigno:'
reset: Reinitialisar contrasigno
flash changed: Tu contrasigno ha essite cambiate.
- flash token bad: Indicio non trovate. Verifica le URL.
+ flash token bad: Token non trovate. Verifica le URL.
title: Crear conto
no_auto_account_create: Infortunatemente in iste momento non es possibile crear
de contributor. Pro plus informationes, per favor vide <a href="%{url}">iste
pagina wiki</a>.
- title: Conditiones de contributor
- heading: Conditiones de contributor
- read and accept: Per favor lege le contracto hic infra e preme le button de
- acceptation pro confirmar que tu accepta le terminos de iste contracto pro
- tu existente e futur contributiones.
- consider_pd: In addition al contracto hic supra, io considera mi contributiones
- como essente in le dominio public
+ title: Conditiones
+ heading: Conditiones
+ heading_ct: Conditiones de contributor
+ read and accept with tou: Per favor, lege le accordo de contributor e le conditiones
+ de uso, marca ambe quadratos quando tu es finite e pois preme le button Continuar.
+ contributor_terms_explain: Iste accordo regula le conditiones de tu contributiones
+ existente e futur.
+ read_ct: Io ha legite e io accepta le precedente terminos de contributor
+ tou_explain_html: Iste %{tou_link} governa le uso del sito web e altere infrastructura
+ fornite per OSMF. Per favor, clicca sur le ligamine, lege le texto, e declara
+ te de accordo.
+ read_tou: Io ha legite e io accepta le Conditiones de uso
+ consider_pd: In addition a lo que precede, io considera mi contributiones como
+ essente in le dominio public
consider_pd_why: que es isto?
guidance: 'Informationes pro adjutar a comprender iste terminos: a <a href="%{summary}">summario
facile a comprender</a> e alcun <a href="%{translations}">traductiones non
- agree: Acceptar
+ continue: Continuar
decline: Declinar
you need to accept or decline: Per favor lege e postea accepta o declina le
nove Conditiones del Contributor pro continuar.
remove as friend: Remover amico
add as friend: Adder amico
mapper since: 'Cartographo depost:'
- ago: (%{time_in_words_ago} retro)
ct status: 'Conditiones de contributor:'
ct undecided: Indecise
ct declined: Declinate
- ct accepted: Acceptate %{ago} retro
- latest edit: 'Ultime modification %{ago}:'
+ latest edit: 'Ultime modification (%{ago}):'
email address: 'Adresse de e-mail:'
created from: 'Create ex:'
status: 'Stato:'
if set location: Defini tu position de origine in le %{settings_link} pro vider
le usatores a proximitate.
settings_link_text: configurationes
+ my friends: Mi amicos
no friends: Tu non ha ancora addite alcun amico.
km away: a %{count} km de distantia
m away: a %{count} m de distantia
friends_diaries: articulos de diario de tu amicos
nearby_changesets: gruppos de modificationes de usatores a proximitate
nearby_diaries: articulos de diario per usatores a proximitate
+ report: Signalar iste usator
your location: Tu position
nearby mapper: Cartographo vicin
adresse de e-mail.
button: Confirmar
success: Le cambio del adresse de e-mail ha essite confirmate.
- failure: Un adresse de e-mail ha ja essite confirmate con iste indicio.
+ failure: Un adresse de e-mail ha ja essite confirmate con iste token.
unknown_token: Iste codice de confirmation ha expirate o non existe.
flash success: Position de origine confirmate con successo
que le message essera publicamente visibile. Nota ben que non tote le usatores
comprende le jargon del communitate, alora usa terminos simple e precise.
period: Quante tempore, a partir de ora, essera le usator blocate del API?
- submit: Crear blocada
tried_contacting: Io ha contactate le usator pro demandar le/la de cessar.
tried_waiting: Io ha date sufficiente tempore al usator pro responder a iste
ben que non tote le usatores comprende le jargon del communitate, alora usa
terminos simple e precise.
period: Quante tempore, a partir de ora, essera le usator blocate del API?
- submit: Actualisar blocada
show: Examinar iste blocada
back: Examinar tote le blocadas
needs_view: Debe le usator aperir un session ante que iste blocada es cancellate?
title: Revoca blocada de %{block_on}
heading: Revoca blocada de %{block_on} per %{block_by}
time_future: Iste blocada expirara in %{time}.
- past: Iste blocada expirava %{time} retro e non pote esser revocate ora.
+ past: Iste blocada expirava %{time} e non pote esser revocate ora.
confirm: Es tu secur de voler revocar iste blocada?
revoke: Revocar!
flash: Iste blocada ha essite revocate.
- period:
- one: 1 hora
- other: '%{count} horas'
time_future: Expira in %{time}.
until_login: Active usque le usator aperi un session.
time_future_and_until_login: Termina in %{time} e post que le usator ha aperite
- time_past: Expirava %{time} retro.
+ time_past: Expirava %{time}.
+ block_duration:
+ hours:
+ one: 1 hora
+ other: '%{count} horas'
+ days:
+ one: 1 die
+ other: '%{count} dies'
+ weeks:
+ one: 1 septimana
+ other: '%{count} septimanas'
+ months:
+ one: 1 mense
+ other: '%{count} menses'
+ years:
+ one: 1 anno
+ other: '%{count} annos'
title: Blocadas de %{name}
heading: Lista de blocadas de %{name}
title: '%{block_on} blocate per %{block_by}'
heading: '%{block_on} blocate per %{block_by}'
- time_future: Expira in %{time}
- time_past: Expirava %{time} retro
created: Create
- ago: '%{time} retro'
status: Stato
show: Monstrar
edit: Modificar
description: Description
created_at: Create a
last_changed: Ultime modification
- ago_html: '%{when} retro'
close: Clauder
title: Stratos
copyright: © <a href='%{copyright_url}'>contributores de OpenStreetMap</a>
donate_link_text: <a class='donate-attr' href='%{donate_url}'>Facer un donation</a>
+ terms: <a href='%{terms_url}' target='_blank'>Conditiones del sito web e del
+ API</a>
edit_tooltip: Modificar le carta
edit_disabled_tooltip: Face zoom avante pro modificar le carta
intro: Tu ha trovate un error? Qualcosa manca? Face lo saper al altere cartographos
a fin que nos pote corriger lo. Displacia le marcator al position correcte
e scribe un nota pro explicar le problema.
+ advice: Tu nota es public e pote esser usate pro actualisar le carta. Dunque,
+ non insere alcun information personal, ni datos ab cartas o catalogos protegite
+ per derectos de autor.
add: Adder nota
anonymous_warning: Iste nota include commentos de usatores anonyme que debe
ascend: Ascender
+ fossgis_osrm_bike: Bicycletta (OSRM)
fossgis_osrm_car: Auto (OSRM)
+ fossgis_osrm_foot: A pede (OSRM)
graphhopper_bicycle: Bicycletta (GraphHopper)
graphhopper_car: Auto (GraphHopper)
graphhopper_foot: Pedestre (GraphHopper)
continue_without_exit: Continuar sur %{name}
slight_right_without_exit: Girar legiermente a dextra verso %{name}
+ offramp_right: Prende le rampa a dextra
+ offramp_right_with_exit: Prende le exito %{exit} a dextra
+ offramp_right_with_exit_name: Prende le exito %{exit} a dextra verso %{name}
+ offramp_right_with_exit_directions: Prende le exito %{exit} a dextra in direction
+ %{directions}
+ offramp_right_with_exit_name_directions: Prende le exito %{exit} a dextra
+ verso %{name}, in direction %{directions}
offramp_right_with_name: Prende le rampa a dextra verso %{name}
+ offramp_right_with_directions: Prende le rampa a dextra in direction %{directions}
+ offramp_right_with_name_directions: Prende le rampa a dextra verso %{name},
+ in direction %{directions}
onramp_right_without_exit: Girar a dextra sur le rampa verso %{name}
+ onramp_right_with_directions: Gira a dextra sur le rampa in direction %{directions}
+ onramp_right_with_name_directions: Gira a dextra sur le rampa verso %{name},
+ in direction %{directions}
+ onramp_right_without_directions: Gira a dextra sur le rampa
+ onramp_right: Gira a dextra sur le rampa
endofroad_right_without_exit: Al fin del strata, girar a dextra verso %{name}
merge_right_without_exit: Junger a dextra verso %{name}
fork_right_without_exit: Al bifurcation, girar a dextra verso %{name}
uturn_without_exit: Retornar preter %{name}
sharp_left_without_exit: Curva acute a sinistra verso %{name}
turn_left_without_exit: Girar a sinistra verso %{name}
+ offramp_left: Prende le rampa a sinistra
+ offramp_left_with_exit: Prende le exito %{exit} a sinistra
+ offramp_left_with_exit_name: Prende le exito %{exit} a sinistra verso %{name}
+ offramp_left_with_exit_directions: Prende le exito %{exit} a sinistra in direction
+ %{directions}
+ offramp_left_with_exit_name_directions: Prende le exito %{exit} a sinistra
+ verso %{name}, in direction %{directions}
offramp_left_with_name: Prende le rampa al sinistra verso %{name}
+ offramp_left_with_directions: Prende le rampa a sinistra in direction %{directions}
+ offramp_left_with_name_directions: Prende le rampa a sinistra verso %{name},
+ in direction %{directions}
onramp_left_without_exit: Girar a sinistra sur le rampa verso %{name}
+ onramp_left_with_directions: Gira a sinistra sur le rampa in direction %{directions}
+ onramp_left_with_name_directions: Gira a sinistra sur le rampa verso %{name},
+ in direction %{directions}
+ onramp_left_without_directions: Gira a sinistra sur le rampa
+ onramp_left: Gira a sinistra sur le rampa
endofroad_left_without_exit: Al fin del strata, girar a sinistra verso %{name}
merge_left_without_exit: Junger a sinistra verso %{name}
fork_left_without_exit: Al bifurcation, girar a sinistra verso %{name}
against_oneway_without_exit: Ir contra direction obligatori sur %{name}
end_oneway_without_exit: Fin del direction obligatori sur %{name}
roundabout_with_exit: Al rotunda prende le exito %{exit} sur %{name}
+ roundabout_with_exit_ordinal: Al rotunda prende le exito %{exit} verso %{name}
+ exit_roundabout: Exi del rotunda verso %{name}
unnamed: cammino sin nomine
courtesy: Itinerario fornite per %{link}
description: Description
heading: Modificar obscuration
- submit: Salveguardar obscuration
title: Modificar obscuration
empty: Il non ha obscurationes a monstrar.
description: Description
heading: Specifica information pro nove obscuration
- submit: Crear obscuration
title: Creation de nove obscuration
description: 'Description:'
pertinente a iste obscuration ante de destruer lo.
flash: Obscuration destruite.
error: Un error occurreva durante le destruction de iste obscuration.
+ validations:
+ leading_whitespace: ha spatios al initio
+ trailing_whitespace: ha spatios al fin
+ invalid_characters: contine characteres invalide
+ url_characters: contine characteres special de adresse URL (%{characters})