- req=StringIO.new(request.raw_post+0.chr) # Get POST data as request
- # (cf http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/122163)
- req.read(2) # Skip version indicator and client ID
- results={} # Results of each body
- renumberednodes={} # Shared across repeated putways
- renumberedways={} # Shared across repeated putways
- # -------------
- # Parse request
- headers=AMF.getint(req) # Read number of headers
- headers.times do # Read each header
- name=AMF.getstring(req) # |
- req.getc # | skip boolean
- value=AMF.getvalue(req) # |
- header["name"]=value # |
- end
- bodies=AMF.getint(req) # Read number of bodies
- bodies.times do # Read each body
- message=AMF.getstring(req) # | get message name
- index=AMF.getstring(req) # | get index in response sequence
- bytes=AMF.getlong(req) # | get total size in bytes
- args=AMF.getvalue(req) # | get response (probably an array)
- case message
- when 'getpresets'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpresets)
- when 'whichways'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways(args))
- when 'whichways_deleted'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways_deleted(args))
- when 'getway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway(args))
- when 'getrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getrelation(args))
- when 'getway_old'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_old(args))
- when 'getway_history'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_history(args))
- when 'putway'; r=putway(args,renumberednodes)
- renumberednodes=r[3]
- if r[1] != r[2]
- renumberedways[r[1]] = r[2]
- end
- results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,r)
- when 'putrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putrelation(args, renumberednodes, renumberedways))
- when 'deleteway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,deleteway(args))
- when 'putpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putpoi(args))
- when 'getpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpoi(args))
- end
- end
- # ------------------
- # Write out response
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Response: start")
- a,b=results.length.divmod(256)
- render :content_type => "application/x-amf", :text => proc { |response, output|
- output.write 0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+a.chr+b.chr
- results.each do |k,v|
- output.write(v)
- end
- }
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Response: end")
+ req=StringIO.new(request.raw_post+0.chr) # Get POST data as request
+ # (cf http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/122163)
+ req.read(2) # Skip version indicator and client ID
+ results={} # Results of each body
+ renumberednodes={} # Shared across repeated putways
+ renumberedways={} # Shared across repeated putways
+ # Parse request
+ headers=AMF.getint(req) # Read number of headers
+ headers.times do # Read each header
+ name=AMF.getstring(req) # |
+ req.getc # | skip boolean
+ value=AMF.getvalue(req) # |
+ header["name"]=value # |
+ end
+ bodies=AMF.getint(req) # Read number of bodies
+ bodies.times do # Read each body
+ message=AMF.getstring(req) # | get message name
+ index=AMF.getstring(req) # | get index in response sequence
+ bytes=AMF.getlong(req) # | get total size in bytes
+ args=AMF.getvalue(req) # | get response (probably an array)
+ case message
+ when 'getpresets'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpresets())
+ when 'whichways'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways(*args))
+ when 'whichways_deleted'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways_deleted(*args))
+ when 'getway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway(args[0].to_i))
+ when 'getrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getrelation(args[0].to_i))
+ when 'getway_old'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_old(args[0].to_i,args[1].to_i))
+ when 'getway_history'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_history(args[0].to_i))
+ when 'getnode_history'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getnode_history(args[0].to_i))
+ when 'putway'; r=putway(renumberednodes,*args)
+ renumberednodes=r[3]
+ if r[1] != r[2]
+ renumberedways[r[1]] = r[2]
+ end
+ results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,r)
+ when 'putrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putrelation(renumberednodes, renumberedways, *args))
+ when 'findrelations'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,findrelations(*args))
+ when 'deleteway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,deleteway(args[0],args[1].to_i))
+ when 'putpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putpoi(*args))
+ when 'getpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpoi(*args))
+ end
+ end
+ # Write out response
+ a,b=results.length.divmod(256)
+ render :content_type => "application/x-amf", :text => proc { |response, output|
+ output.write 0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+0.chr+a.chr+b.chr
+ results.each do |k,v|
+ output.write(v)
+ end
+ }