- # ----- putway
- # saves a way to the database
- # in: [0] user token (string),
- # [1] original way id (may be negative),
- # [2] array of points (as getway/getway_old),
- # [3] hash of way tags,
- # [4] original way version (0 if not a reverted/undeleted way),
- # [5] baselong, [6] basey, [7] masterscale
- # does: saves way to the database
- # all constituent nodes are created/updated as necessary
- # (or deleted if they were in the old version and are otherwise unused)
- # out: [0] 0 (code for success), [1] original way id (unchanged),
- # [2] new way id, [3] hash of renumbered nodes (old id=>new id),
- # [4] xmin, [5] xmax, [6] ymin, [7] ymax (unprojected bbox)
- def putway(args,renumberednodes) #:doc:
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" putway started")
- usertoken,originalway,points,attributes,oldversion,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
- uid=getuserid(usertoken)
- if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
- def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, originalway, points, attributes) #:doc:
- # -- Initialise and carry out checks
- uid = getuserid(usertoken)
- if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
- originalway = originalway.to_i
- points.each do |a|
- if a[2] == 0 or a[2].nil? then return -2,"Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
- if a[1] == 90 then return -2,"Server error - node with lat -90 found in way #{originalway}." end
- end
- if points.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
- # -- 3. read original way into memory
- if originalway < 0
- way = Way.new
- uniques = []
- else
- way = Way.find(originalway)
- uniques = way.unshared_node_ids
- end
- # -- 4. get version by inserting new row into ways
- nodes = []
- points.each do |n|
- lon = n[0].to_f
- lat = n[1].to_f
- id = n[2].to_i
- savenode = false
- if renumberednodes[id]
- id = renumberednodes[id]
- elsif id < 0
- # Create new node
- node = Node.new
- savenode = true
- else
- node = Node.find(id)
- if !fpcomp(lat, node.lat) or !fpcomp(lon, node.lon) or
- Tags.join(n[4]) != node.tags or !node.visible?
- savenode = true
- end
- end
- if savenode
- node.user_id = uid
- node.lat = lat
- node.lon = lon
- node.tags = Tags.join(n[4])
- node.visible = true
- node.save_with_history!
- if id != node.id
- renumberednodes[id] = node.id
- id = node.id
- end
- end
- uniques = uniques - [id]
- nodes.push(id)
- end
- # -- Delete any unique nodes
- uniques.each do |n|
- deleteitemrelations(n, 'node')
- node = Node.find(n)
- node.user_id = uid
- node.visible = false
- node.save_with_history!
- end
- points.each_index do |i|
- xs=coord2long(points[i][0],masterscale,baselong)
- ys=coord2lat(points[i][1],masterscale,basey)
- xmin=[xs,xmin].min; xmax=[xs,xmax].max
- ymin=[ys,ymin].min; ymax=[ys,ymax].max
- node=points[i][2].to_i
- tagstr=array2tag(points[i][4])
- tagsql="'"+sqlescape(tagstr)+"'"
- lat=(ys * 10000000).round
- long=(xs * 10000000).round
- tile=QuadTile.tile_for_point(ys, xs)
- way.tags = attributes
- way.nds = nodes
- way.user_id = uid
- way.visible = true
- way.save_with_history!
- [0, originalway, way.id, renumberednodes]
+ # Find GPS traces with specified name/id.
+ # Returns array listing GPXs, each one comprising id, name and description.
+ def findgpx(searchterm, usertoken)
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'findgpx'") do
+ user = getuser(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You must be logged in to search for GPX traces.",[] end
+ gpxs = []
+ if searchterm.to_i>0 then
+ gpx = Trace.find(searchterm.to_i, :conditions => ["visible=? AND (public=? OR user_id=?)",true,true,user.id] )
+ if gpx then
+ gpxs.push([gpx.id, gpx.name, gpx.description])
+ end
+ else
+ Trace.find(:all, :limit => 21, :conditions => ["visible=? AND (public=? OR user_id=?) AND MATCH(name) AGAINST (?)",true,true,user.id,searchterm] ).each do |gpx|
+ gpxs.push([gpx.id, gpx.name, gpx.description])
+ end
+ end
+ [0,'',gpxs]
+ end