no_results: "No results found"
more_results: "More results"
+ issues:
+ report: Report
+ resolve: Resolve
+ ignore: Ignore
+ reopen: Reopen
+ create:
+ successful_report: Your report has been registered sucessfully
+ provide_details: Please provide the required details
+ update:
+ successful_update: Your report was successfully updated
+ provide_details: Please provide the required details
+ new:
+ details: Please provide some more details into the problem. (This field cannot be left blank!)
+ resolved: Issue status has been set to 'Resolved'
+ ignored: Issue status has been set to 'Ignored'
+ reopened: Issue status has been set to 'Open'
+ report_strings:
+ spam: is/contains spam
+ offensive: is obscene/offensive
+ threat: contains a threat
+ vandal: is a vandal
+ other: Other
# in <title>
edit: Edit
history: History
export: Export
+ issues: Issues
data: Data
export_data: Export Data
gps_traces: GPS Traces
partial_changeset_with_comment: "with comment '%{changeset_comment}'"
partial_changeset_without_comment: "without comment"
details: "More details about the changeset can be found at %{url}."
+ new_issue_notification:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] New Issue"
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ new_issue: "A new issue has been created"
title: "Inbox"
track: "Track"
bridleway: "Bridleway"
cycleway: "Cycleway"
+ cycleway_national: "National cycleway"
+ cycleway_regional: "Regional cycleway"
+ cycleway_local: "Local cycleway"
footway: "Footway"
rail: "Railway"
subway: "Subway"
private: "Private access"
destination: "Destination access"
construction: "Roads under construction"
+ bicycle_shop: "Bicycle shop"
+ bicycle_parking: "Bicycle parking"
+ toilets: "Toilets"
edit: Edit
preview: Preview
cookies_needed: "You appear to have cookies disabled - please enable cookies in your browser before continuing."
+ require_admin:
+ not_an_admin: You need to be an admin to perform that action.
not_a_moderator: "You need to be a moderator to perform that action."
title: Login with Windows Live
alt: Login with a Windows Live Account
+ github:
+ title: Login with GitHub
+ alt: Login with a GitHub Account
title: Login with Yahoo
alt: Login with a Yahoo OpenID
friends_diaries: "friends' diary entries"
nearby_changesets: "nearby user changesets"
nearby_diaries: "nearby user diary entries"
+ report: "Report User"
your location: "Your location"
nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper"
gravatar: "Use Gravatar"
link: ""
link text: "what is this?"
+ disabled: "Gravatar has been disabled."
+ enabled: "Display of your Gravatar has been enabled."
new image: "Add an image"
keep image: "Keep the current image"
delete image: "Remove the current image"
standard: Standard
cycle_map: Cycle Map
transport_map: Transport Map
- mapquest: MapQuest Open
hot: Humanitarian
header: Map Layers
continue_without_exit: Continue on %{name}
slight_right_without_exit: Slight right onto %{name}
+ offramp_right_without_exit: Take the ramp on the right onto %{name}
+ onramp_right_without_exit: Turn right on the ramp onto %{name}
+ endofroad_right_without_exit: At the end of the road turn right onto %{name}
+ merge_right_without_exit: Merge right onto %{name}
+ fork_right_without_exit: At the fork turn right onto %{name}
turn_right_without_exit: Turn right onto %{name}
sharp_right_without_exit: Sharp right onto %{name}
uturn_without_exit: U-turn along %{name}
sharp_left_without_exit: Sharp left onto %{name}
turn_left_without_exit: Turn left onto %{name}
+ offramp_left_without_exit: Take the ramp on the left onto %{name}
+ onramp_left_without_exit: Turn left on the ramp onto %{name}
+ endofroad_left_without_exit: At the end of the road turn left onto %{name}
+ merge_left_without_exit: Merge left onto %{name}
+ fork_left_without_exit: At the fork turn left onto %{name}
slight_left_without_exit: Slight left onto %{name}
via_point_without_exit: (via point)
follow_without_exit: Follow %{name}