- # this is redirected because there are no issues?!
- assert_response :redirect
- assert_redirected_to issues_path
- # clear session
- session.delete(:user)
- end
- def test_new_issue_without_login
- # Test creation of a new issue and a new report without logging in
- get :new, :reportable_id => 1, :reportable_type => "User", :reported_user_id => 1
- assert_response :redirect
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => new_issue_path(:reportable_id => 1, :reportable_type => "User", :reported_user_id => 1))
- end
- def test_new_issue_after_login
- # Test creation of a new issue and a new report
- # Login
- session[:user] = users(:normal_user).id
- assert_equal Issue.count, 0
- # Create an Issue and a report
- get :new, :reportable_id => 1, :reportable_type => "User", :reported_user_id => 2