def self.from_bbox_params(params)
- if params[:bbox] && params[:bbox].count(",") == 3
- bbox_array = params[:bbox].split(",")
- end
+ bbox_array = params[:bbox].split(",") if params[:bbox] && params[:bbox].count(",") == 3
def self.from_lon_lat_params(params)
- if params[:minlon] && params[:minlat] && params[:maxlon] && params[:maxlat]
- bbox_array = [params[:minlon], params[:minlat], params[:maxlon], params[:maxlat]]
- end
+ bbox_array = [params[:minlon], params[:minlat], params[:maxlon], params[:maxlat]] if params[:minlon] && params[:minlat] && params[:maxlon] && params[:maxlat]
def self.from_lrbt_params(params)
- if params[:l] && params[:b] && params[:t] && params[:t]
- bbox_array = [params[:l], params[:b], params[:r], params[:t]]
- end
+ bbox_array = [params[:l], params[:b], params[:r], params[:t]] if params[:l] && params[:b] && params[:t] && params[:t]
def check_boundaries
# check the bbox is sane
- if min_lon > max_lon
- raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox.new(
- "The minimum longitude must be less than the maximum longitude, but it wasn't"
- )
- end
- if min_lat > max_lat
- raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox.new(
- "The minimum latitude must be less than the maximum latitude, but it wasn't"
- )
- end
+ raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox, "The minimum longitude must be less than the maximum longitude, but it wasn't" if min_lon > max_lon
+ raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox, "The minimum latitude must be less than the maximum latitude, but it wasn't" if min_lat > max_lat
if min_lon < -LON_LIMIT || min_lat < -LAT_LIMIT || max_lon > +LON_LIMIT || max_lat > +LAT_LIMIT
- raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox.new("The latitudes must be between #{-LAT_LIMIT} and #{LAT_LIMIT}," +
- " and longitudes between #{-LON_LIMIT} and #{LON_LIMIT}")
+ raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox, "The latitudes must be between #{-LAT_LIMIT} and #{LAT_LIMIT}," \
+ " and longitudes between #{-LON_LIMIT} and #{LON_LIMIT}"
- def check_size(max_area = MAX_REQUEST_AREA)
+ def check_size(max_area = Settings.max_request_area)
# check the bbox isn't too large
if area > max_area
- raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox.new("The maximum bbox size is " + max_area.to_s +
- ", and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm")
+ raise OSM::APIBadBoundingBox, "The maximum bbox size is " + max_area.to_s +
+ ", and your request was too large. Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm"
# there are two forms used for bounds with and without an underscore,
# cater for both forms eg minlon and min_lon
def add_bounds_to(hash, underscore = "")
- hash["min#{underscore}lat"] = format("%.7f", min_lat)
- hash["min#{underscore}lon"] = format("%.7f", min_lon)
- hash["max#{underscore}lat"] = format("%.7f", max_lat)
- hash["max#{underscore}lon"] = format("%.7f", max_lon)
+ hash["min#{underscore}lat"] = format("%<lat>.7f", :lat => min_lat)
+ hash["min#{underscore}lon"] = format("%<lon>.7f", :lon => min_lon)
+ hash["max#{underscore}lat"] = format("%<lat>.7f", :lat => max_lat)
+ hash["max#{underscore}lon"] = format("%<lon>.7f", :lon => max_lon)
def from_bbox_array(bbox_array)
- unless bbox_array
- raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new(
- "The parameter bbox is required, and must be of the form min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat"
- )
- end
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "The parameter bbox is required, and must be of the form min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat" unless bbox_array
# Take an array of length 4, create a bounding box with min_lon, min_lat, max_lon and
# max_lat within their respective boundaries.
min_lon = [[bbox_array[0].to_f, -LON_LIMIT].max, +LON_LIMIT].min