+# == Schema Information
+# Table name: oauth_tokens
+# id :integer not null, primary key
+# user_id :integer
+# type :string(20)
+# client_application_id :integer
+# token :string(50)
+# secret :string(50)
+# authorized_at :datetime
+# invalidated_at :datetime
+# created_at :datetime
+# updated_at :datetime
+# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# callback_url :string
+# verifier :string(20)
+# scope :string
+# valid_to :datetime
+# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
+# Indexes
+# index_oauth_tokens_on_token (token) UNIQUE
+# index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id (user_id)
+# Foreign Keys
+# oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey (client_application_id => client_applications.id)
+# oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey (user_id => users.id)
class RequestToken < OauthToken
attr_accessor :provided_oauth_verifier
def authorize!(user)
return false if authorized?
self.user = user
self.authorized_at = Time.now
self.verifier = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(20)[0, 20] unless oauth10?
params = { :user => user, :client_application => client_application }
# copy the permissions from the authorised request token to the access token
client_application.permissions.each do |p|
- params[p] = read_attribute(p)
+ params[p] = self[p]
access_token = AccessToken.create(params)
def oob?
- callback_url.nil? || callback_url.downcase == "oob"
+ callback_url.nil? || callback_url.casecmp("oob").zero?
def oauth10?
- (defined? OAUTH_10_SUPPORT) && OAUTH_10_SUPPORT && callback_url.blank?
+ Settings.key?(:oauth_10_support) && Settings.oauth_10_support && callback_url.blank?