options[:singular_name] ||= ActiveSupport::Inflector.singularize(collection_id.to_s)
- options[:class_name] ||= ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(options[:singular_name])
+ options[:class_name] ||= ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(options[:singular_name])
# Returns a paginator and a collection of Active Record model instances
# Returns a new Page object representing the page just before this
# page, or nil if this is the first page.
def previous
- if first? then nil else @paginator[@number - 1] end
+ first? ? nil : @paginator[@number - 1]
# Returns a new Page object representing the page just after this
# page, or nil if this is the last page.
def next
- if last? then nil else @paginator[@number + 1] end
+ last? ? nil : @paginator[@number + 1]
# Returns a new Window object for this page with the specified