+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when a way has more than the configured number of way nodes.
+ # This prevents ways from being to long and difficult to work with
+ class APITooManyWayNodesError < APIError
+ def initialize(id, provided, max)
+ super "You tried to add #{provided} nodes to way #{id}, however only #{max} are allowed"
+ @id = id
+ @provided = provided
+ @max = max
+ end
+ attr_reader :id, :provided, :max
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when a relation has more than the configured number of relation members.
+ # This prevents relations from being too complex and difficult to work with
+ class APITooManyRelationMembersError < APIError
+ def initialize(id, provided, max)
+ super "You tried to add #{provided} members to relation #{id}, however only #{max} are allowed"
+ @id = id
+ @provided = provided
+ @max = max
+ end
+ attr_reader :id, :provided, :max
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # raised when user input couldn't be parsed
+ class APIBadUserInput < APIError
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # raised when bounding box is invalid
+ class APIBadBoundingBox < APIError
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # raised when an API call is made using a method not supported on that URI
+ class APIBadMethodError < APIError
+ def initialize(supported_method)
+ super "Only method #{supported_method} is supported on this URI"
+ end
+ def status
+ :method_not_allowed
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # raised when an API call takes too long
+ class APITimeoutError < APIError
+ def initialize
+ super "Request timed out"
+ end
+ def status
+ :request_timeout
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ # raised when someone tries to redact a current version of
+ # an element - only historical versions can be redacted.
+ class APICannotRedactError < APIError
+ def initialize
+ super "Cannot redact current version of element, only historical versions may be redacted."
+ end
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when the note provided is already closed
+ class APINoteAlreadyClosedError < APIError
+ def initialize(note)
+ @note = note
+ super "The note #{note.id} was closed at #{note.closed_at}"
+ end
+ attr_reader :note
+ def status
+ :conflict
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when the note provided is already open
+ class APINoteAlreadyOpenError < APIError
+ def initialize(note)
+ @note = note
+ super "The note #{note.id} is already open"
+ end
+ attr_reader :note
+ def status
+ :conflict
+ end
+ end
+ # raised when a two preferences have a duplicate key string.
+ class APIDuplicatePreferenceError < APIError
+ def initialize(key)
+ @key = key
+ super "Duplicate preferences with key #{key}"
+ end
+ attr_reader :key
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when a rate limit is exceeded
+ class APIRateLimitExceeded < APIError
+ def initialize
+ super "Rate limit exceeded"
+ end
+ def status
+ :too_many_requests