-Copyright (c) 2013 Dominik Moritz
+Copyright (c) 2014 Dominik Moritz
This file is part of the leaflet locate control. It is licensed under the MIT license.
You can find the project at: https://github.com/domoritz/leaflet-locatecontrol
position: 'topleft',
drawCircle: true,
follow: false, // follow with zoom and pan the user's location
- stopFollowingOnDrag: false, // if follow is true, stop following when map is dragged
+ stopFollowingOnDrag: false, // if follow is true, stop following when map is dragged (deprecated)
// range circle
circleStyle: {
color: '#136AEC',
//color: '#FFA500',
//fillColor: '#FFB000'
+ icon: 'icon-location', // icon-location or icon-direction
+ iconLoading: 'icon-spinner animate-spin',
+ circlePadding: [0, 0],
metric: true,
onLocationError: function(err) {
// this event is called in case of any location error
// that is not a time out error.
- onLocationOutsideMapBounds: function(context) {
+ onLocationOutsideMapBounds: function(control) {
// this event is repeatedly called when the location changes
+ control.stopLocate();
setView: true, // automatically sets the map view to the user's location
+ // keep the current map zoom level when displaying the user's location. (if 'false', use maxZoom)
+ keepCurrentZoomLevel: false,
strings: {
title: "Show me where I am",
popup: "You are within {distance} {unit} from this point",
outsideMapBoundsMsg: "You seem located outside the boundaries of the map"
- locateOptions: {}
+ locateOptions: {
+ maxZoom: Infinity,
+ watch: true // if you overwrite this, visualization cannot be updated
+ }
onAdd: function (map) {
this._event = undefined;
- this._locateOptions = {
- watch: true // if you overwrite this, visualization cannot be updated
- };
+ this._locateOptions = this.options.locateOptions;
L.extend(this._locateOptions, this.options.locateOptions);
L.extend(this._locateOptions, {
setView: false // have to set this to false because we have to
L.extend(tmp, this.options.circleStyle, this.options.followCircleStyle);
this.options.followCircleStyle = tmp;
- var link = L.DomUtil.create('a', 'control-button', container);
+ var link = L.DomUtil.create('a', 'control-button ' + this.options.icon, container);
link.innerHTML = "<span class='icon geolocate'></span>";
link.href = '#';
link.title = this.options.strings.title;
.on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation)
.on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.preventDefault)
.on(link, 'click', function() {
- if (self._active && (map.getBounds().contains(self._event.latlng) || !self.options.setView ||
+ if (self._active && (self._event === undefined || map.getBounds().contains(self._event.latlng) || !self.options.setView ||
isOutsideMapBounds())) {
} else {
- if (self.options.setView) {
- self._locateOnNextLocationFound = true;
- }
- if(!self._active) {
- map.locate(self._locateOptions);
- }
- self._active = true;
- if (self.options.follow) {
- startFollowing();
- }
- if (!self._event) {
- L.DomUtil.addClass(self._container, "requesting");
- L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "active");
- L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "following");
- } else {
- visualizeLocation();
- }
+ locate();
.on(link, 'dblclick', L.DomEvent.stopPropagation);
+ var locate = function () {
+ if (self.options.setView) {
+ self._locateOnNextLocationFound = true;
+ }
+ if(!self._active) {
+ map.locate(self._locateOptions);
+ }
+ self._active = true;
+ if (self.options.follow) {
+ startFollowing();
+ }
+ if (!self._event) {
+ setClasses('requesting');
+ } else {
+ visualizeLocation();
+ }
+ };
var onLocationFound = function (e) {
// no need to do anything if the location has not changed
if (self._event &&
- (self._event.latlng.lat == e.latlng.lat &&
- self._event.latlng.lng == e.latlng.lng)) {
+ (self._event.latlng.lat === e.latlng.lat &&
+ self._event.latlng.lng === e.latlng.lng &&
+ self._event.accuracy === e.accuracy)) {
var startFollowing = function() {
+ map.fire('startfollowing', self);
self._following = true;
if (self.options.stopFollowingOnDrag) {
map.on('dragstart', stopFollowing);
var stopFollowing = function() {
+ map.fire('stopfollowing', self);
self._following = false;
if (self.options.stopFollowingOnDrag) {
map.off('dragstart', stopFollowing);
if (isOutsideMapBounds()) {
} else {
- map.fitBounds(self._event.bounds);
+ map.fitBounds(self._event.bounds, {
+ padding: self.options.circlePadding,
+ maxZoom: self.options.keepCurrentZoomLevel ? map.getZoom() : self._locateOptions.maxZoom
+ });
self._locateOnNextLocationFound = false;
// circle with the radius of the location's accuracy
- var style;
+ var style, o;
if (self.options.drawCircle) {
if (self._following) {
style = self.options.followCircleStyle;
} else {
+ for (o in style) {
+ self._circle.options[o] = style[o];
+ }
// small inner marker
- var m;
+ var mStyle;
if (self._following) {
- m = self.options.followMarkerStyle;
+ mStyle = self.options.followMarkerStyle;
} else {
- m = self.options.markerStyle;
+ mStyle = self.options.markerStyle;
var t = self.options.strings.popup;
if (!self._circleMarker) {
- self._circleMarker = L.circleMarker(self._event.latlng, m)
+ self._circleMarker = L.circleMarker(self._event.latlng, mStyle)
.bindPopup(L.Util.template(t, {distance: distance, unit: unit}))
} else {
.bindPopup(L.Util.template(t, {distance: distance, unit: unit}))
+ for (o in mStyle) {
+ self._circleMarker.options[o] = mStyle[o];
+ }
if (!self._container)
if (self._following) {
- L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "requesting");
- L.DomUtil.addClass(self._container, "active");
- L.DomUtil.addClass(self._container, "following");
+ setClasses('following');
} else {
- L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "requesting");
- L.DomUtil.addClass(self._container, "active");
- L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "following");
+ setClasses('active');
+ var setClasses = function(state) {
+ if (state == 'requesting') {
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses(self._container, "active following");
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses(self._container, "requesting");
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses(link, self.options.icon);
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses(link, self.options.iconLoading);
+ } else if (state == 'active') {
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses(self._container, "requesting following");
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses(self._container, "active");
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses(link, self.options.iconLoading);
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses(link, self.options.icon);
+ } else if (state == 'following') {
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses(self._container, "requesting");
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses(self._container, "active following");
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses(link, self.options.iconLoading);
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses(link, self.options.icon);
+ }
+ }
var resetVariables = function() {
self._active = false;
self._locateOnNextLocationFound = self.options.setView;
var stopLocate = function() {
map.off('dragstart', stopFollowing);
+ if (self.options.follow && self._following) {
+ stopFollowing();
+ }
L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "requesting");
L.DomUtil.removeClass(self._container, "active");
var onLocationError = function (err) {
// ignore time out error if the location is watched
- if (err.code == 3 && this._locateOptions.watch) {
+ if (err.code == 3 && self._locateOptions.watch) {
map.on('locationfound', onLocationFound, self);
map.on('locationerror', onLocationError, self);
+ // make locate functions available to outside world
+ this.locate = locate;
+ this.stopLocate = stopLocate;
+ this.stopFollowing = stopFollowing;
return container;
L.control.locate = function (options) {
return new L.Control.Locate(options);
+ // leaflet.js raises bug when trying to addClass / removeClass multiple classes at once
+ // Let's create a wrapper on it which fixes it.
+ var LDomUtilApplyClassesMethod = function(method, element, classNames) {
+ classNames = classNames.split(' ');
+ classNames.forEach(function(className) {
+ L.DomUtil[method].call(this, element, className);
+ });
+ };
+ L.DomUtil.addClasses = function(el, names) { LDomUtilApplyClassesMethod('addClass', el, names); }
+ L.DomUtil.removeClasses = function(el, names) { LDomUtilApplyClassesMethod('removeClass', el, names); }