+ test "show nearby users with ability to follow" do
+ user = create(:user, :home_lon => 1.1, :home_lat => 1.1)
+ nearby_user = create(:user, :home_lon => 1.2, :home_lat => 1.2)
+ sign_in_as(user)
+ visit dashboard_path
+ within_content_body do
+ others_nearby_heading = find :element, "h2", :text => "Other nearby users"
+ assert_no_text "There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet"
+ assert_link nearby_user.display_name, :below => others_nearby_heading
+ assert_link "Follow", :below => others_nearby_heading
+ click_on "Follow"
+ followings_heading = find :element, "h2", :text => "Followings"
+ others_nearby_heading = find :element, "h2", :text => "Other nearby users"
+ assert_text "There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet"
+ assert_link nearby_user.display_name, :below => followings_heading, :above => others_nearby_heading
+ assert_link "Unfollow", :below => followings_heading, :above => others_nearby_heading
+ end
+ end