- # ----- getway_old
- # returns old version of way
- # in: [0] way id,
- # [1] way version to get (or -1 for "last deleted version")
- # [2] baselong, [3] basey, [4] masterscale
- # does: gets old version of way and all constituent nodes
- # for undelete, always uses the most recent version of each node
- # (even if it's moved)
- # for revert, uses the historic version of each node, but if that node is
- # still visible and has been changed since, generates a new node id
- # out: [0] 0 (code for success), [1] SWF object name,
- # [2] array of points (as getway _except_ [3] is node.visible?, 0 or 1),
- # [4] xmin, [5] xmax, [6] ymin, [7] ymax (unprojected bbox),
- # [8] way version
- def getway_old(args) #:doc:
- RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.info(" Message: getway_old (server is #{SERVER_URL})")
- # if SERVER_URL=="www.openstreetmap.org" then return -1,"Revert is not currently enabled on the OpenStreetMap server." end
- wayid,version,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
- wayid = wayid.to_i
- version = version.to_i
- xmin = ymin = 999999
- xmax = ymax = -999999
- points=[]
- if version<0
- historic=false
- version=getlastversion(wayid,version)
- else
- historic=true
+ ##
+ # Find all the ways, POI nodes (i.e. not part of ways), and relations
+ # in a given bounding box. Nodes are returned in full; ways and relations
+ # are IDs only.
+ #
+ # return is of the form:
+ # [success_code, success_message,
+ # [[way_id, way_version], ...],
+ # [[node_id, lat, lon, [tags, ...], node_version], ...],
+ # [[rel_id, rel_version], ...]]
+ # where the ways are any visible ways which refer to any visible
+ # nodes in the bbox, nodes are any visible nodes in the bbox but not
+ # used in any way, rel is any relation which refers to either a way
+ # or node that we're returning.
+ def whichways(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #:doc:
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'whichways'") do
+ enlarge = [(xmax-xmin)/8,0.01].min
+ xmin -= enlarge; ymin -= enlarge
+ xmax += enlarge; ymax += enlarge
+ # check boundary is sane and area within defined
+ # see /config/application.yml
+ check_boundaries(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ ways = sql_find_ways_in_area(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ points = sql_find_pois_in_area(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ relations = sql_find_relations_in_area_and_ways(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, ways.collect {|x| x[0]})
+ else
+ # find the way ids in an area
+ nodes_in_area = Node.find_by_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, :conditions => ["current_nodes.visible = ?", true], :include => :ways)
+ ways = nodes_in_area.inject([]) { |sum, node|
+ visible_ways = node.ways.select { |w| w.visible? }
+ sum + visible_ways.collect { |w| [w.id,w.version] }
+ }.uniq
+ ways.delete([])
+ # find the node ids in an area that aren't part of ways
+ nodes_not_used_in_area = nodes_in_area.select { |node| node.ways.empty? }
+ points = nodes_not_used_in_area.collect { |n| [n.id, n.lon, n.lat, n.tags, n.version] }.uniq
+ # find the relations used by those nodes and ways
+ relations = Relation.find_for_nodes(nodes_in_area.collect { |n| n.id }, :conditions => {:visible => true}) +
+ Relation.find_for_ways(ways.collect { |w| w[0] }, :conditions => {:visible => true})
+ relations = relations.collect { |relation| [relation.id,relation.version] }.uniq
+ end
+ [0, '', ways, points, relations]