//= require index/home
//= require router
-$(document).ready(function () {
+$(function () {
const map = new L.OSM.Map("map", {
zoomControl: false,
layerControl: false,
- $("#sidebar_loader").show().addClass("delayed-fade-in");
+ $("#sidebar_loader").prop("hidden", false).addClass("delayed-fade-in");
// Prevent caching the XHR response as a full-page URL
// https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues/5663
fetch(content_path, { headers: { "accept": "text/html", "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest" } })
.then(response => {
- $("#sidebar_loader").removeClass("delayed-fade-in").hide();
+ $("#sidebar_loader").removeClass("delayed-fade-in").prop("hidden", true);
const title = response.headers.get("X-Page-Title");
if (title) document.title = decodeURIComponent(title);
function addObject(type, id, version, center) {
- const hashParams = OSM.parseHash(window.location.hash);
+ const hashParams = OSM.parseHash(location.hash);
map.addObject({ type: type, id: parseInt(id, 10), version: version && parseInt(version, 10) }, function (bounds) {
if (!hashParams.center && bounds.isValid() &&
(center || !map.getBounds().contains(bounds))) {
"/account/home": OSM.Home(map)
- if (OSM.preferred_editor === "remote" && document.location.pathname === "/edit") {
+ if (OSM.preferred_editor === "remote" && location.pathname === "/edit") {
remoteEditHandler(map.getBounds(), params.object);
+ // Open local anchor links as normal.
+ if ($(this).attr("href")?.startsWith("#")) {
+ return;
+ }
// Ignore cross-protocol and cross-origin links.
if (location.protocol !== this.protocol || location.host !== this.host) {