- fixtures :relation_members, :relation_tags
- set_fixture_class :relation_members => 'OldRelationMember'
- set_fixture_class :relation_tags => 'OldRelationTag'
- fixtures :gpx_files, :gps_points, :gpx_file_tags
- set_fixture_class :gpx_files => 'Trace'
- set_fixture_class :gps_points => 'Tracepoint'
- set_fixture_class :gpx_file_tags => 'Tracetag'
+ ##
+ # for some reason assert_equal a, b fails when the relations are
+ # actually equal, so this method manually checks the fields...
+ def assert_relations_are_equal(a, b)
+ assert_not_nil a, "first relation is not allowed to be nil"
+ assert_not_nil b, "second relation #{a.id} is not allowed to be nil"
+ assert_equal a.id, b.id, "relation IDs"
+ assert_equal a.changeset_id, b.changeset_id, "changeset ID on relation #{a.id}"
+ assert_equal a.visible, b.visible, "visible on relation #{a.id}, #{a.visible.inspect} != #{b.visible.inspect}"
+ assert_equal a.version, b.version, "version on relation #{a.id}"
+ assert_equal a.tags, b.tags, "tags on relation #{a.id}"
+ assert_equal a.members, b.members, "member references on relation #{a.id}"
+ end