+# Update and read user preferences, which are arbitrayr key/val pairs
class UserPreferenceController < ApplicationController
+ before_filter :authorize
+ def read_one
+ pref = UserPreference.find(@user.id, params[:preference_key])
+ render :text => pref.v.to_s
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => ex
+ render :text => 'OH NOES! PREF NOT FOUND!', :status => :not_found
+ end
+ def update_one
+ begin
+ pref = UserPreference.find(@user.id, params[:preference_key])
+ pref.v = request.raw_post.chomp
+ pref.save
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ pref = UserPreference.new
+ pref.user = @user
+ pref.k = params[:preference_key]
+ pref.v = request.raw_post.chomp
+ pref.save
+ end
+ render :nothing => true
+ end
+ def delete_one
+ UserPreference.delete(@user.id, params[:preference_key])
+ render :nothing => true
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => ex
+ render :text => "param: #{params[:preference_key]} not found", :status => :not_found
+ end
+ # print out all the preferences as a big xml block
+ def read
+ doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
+ prefs = @user.preferences
+ el1 = XML::Node.new 'preferences'
+ prefs.each do |pref|
+ el1 << pref.to_xml_node
+ end
+ doc.root << el1
+ render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
+ end
+ # update the entire set of preferences
+ def update
+ p = XML::Parser.string(request.raw_post)
+ doc = p.parse
+ prefs = []
+ keyhash = {}
+ doc.find('//preferences/preference').each do |pt|
+ pref = UserPreference.new
+ unless keyhash[pt['k']].nil? # already have that key
+ render :text => 'OH NOES! CAN HAS UNIQUE KEYS?', :status => :not_acceptable
+ end
+ keyhash[pt['k']] = 1
+ pref.k = pt['k']
+ pref.v = pt['v']
+ pref.user_id = @user.id
+ prefs << pref
+ end
+ if prefs.size > 150
+ render :text => 'Too many preferences', :status => :request_entity_too_large
+ end
+ # kill the existing ones
+ UserPreference.delete_all(['user_id = ?', @user.id])
+ # save the new ones
+ prefs.each do |pref|
+ pref.save!
+ end
+ render :nothing => true
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ render :text => 'OH NOES! FAIL!: ' + ex.to_s, :status => :internal_server_error
+ end