if closeid
cs = Changeset.find(closeid)
- if closecomment.empty?
+ if cs.user_id!=user.id
+ return -2,"You cannot close that changeset because you're not the person who opened it."
+ elsif closecomment.empty?
# open a new changeset
cs = Changeset.new
cs.tags = cstags
- cs.user_id = uid
- # Don't like the next two lines. These need to be abstracted to the model more/better
+ cs.user_id = user.id
+ # smsm1 doesn't like the next two lines and thinks they need to be abstracted to the model more/better
cs.created_at = Time.now
cs.closed_at = Time.new + Changeset::IDLE_TIMEOUT
points = way.nodes.collect do |node|
- [node.lon, node.lat, node.id, nodetags]
+ [node.lon, node.lat, node.id, nodetags, node.version]
tags = way.tags
version = way.version
# Save a way to the database, including all nodes. Any nodes in the previous
# version and no longer used are deleted.
+ # Parameters:
+ # 0. hash of renumbered nodes
+ # 1. current user token (for authentication)
+ # 2. current changeset
+ # 3. new way version
+ # 4. way ID
+ # 5. list of nodes in way
+ # 6. hash of way tags
+ # 7. array of nodes to change (each one is [lon,lat,id,version,tags])
+ #
# Returns:
# 0. '0' (code for success),
# 1. original way id (unchanged),
# 2. new way id,
# 3. hash of renumbered nodes (old id=>new id),
- # 4. version
+ # 4. way version,
+ # 5. hash of node versions (node=>version)
- def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, changeset, version, originalway, points, attributes) #:doc:
+ def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, changeset, version, originalway, pointlist, attributes, nodes) #:doc:
- # -- Initialise and carry out checks
+ # -- Initialise
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
+ if pointlist.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
originalway = originalway.to_i
+ Way.transaction do
- points.each do |a|
- if a[2] == 0 or a[2].nil? then return -2,"Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
- if a[1] == 90 then return -2,"Server error - node with lat -90 found in way #{originalway}." end
- end
- if points.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
- # -- Get unique nodes
+ # -- Get unique nodes
- new_way = nil
- way= nil
- Way.transaction do
if originalway <= 0
+ way = nil
uniques = []
way = Way.find(originalway)
new_way = Way.new
- # -- Compare nodes and save changes to any that have changed
- nodes = []
- points.each do |n|
- lon = n[0].to_f
- lat = n[1].to_f
- id = n[2].to_i
- version = n[3].to_i # FIXME which index does the version come in on????
- savenode = false
- # We always need a new node if we are saving it
- new_node = Node.new
- if renumberednodes[id]
- id = renumberednodes[id]
- end
+ #Ê-- Update each changed node
+ nodeversions = {}
+ nodes.each do |a|
+ lon = a[0].to_f
+ lat = a[1].to_f
+ id = a[2].to_i
+ version = a[3].to_i
+ if id == 0 then return -2,"Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if lat== 90 then return -2,"Server error - node with latitude -90 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if renumberednodes[id] then id = renumberednodes[id] end
+ node = Node.new
+ node.changeset_id = changeset
+ node.lat = lat
+ node.lon = lon
+ node.tags = a[4]
+ node.tags.delete('created_by')
+ node.version = version
if id <= 0
- # Create new node
- savenode = true
+ # We're creating the node
+ node.create_with_history(user)
+ renumberednodes[id] = node.id
+ nodeversions[id] = node.version
- # Don't modify this node, make any changes you want to the new_node above
- node = Node.find(id)
- nodetags=node.tags
- nodetags.delete('created_by')
- if !fpcomp(lat, node.lat) or !fpcomp(lon, node.lon) or
- n[4] != nodetags or !node.visible?
- savenode = true
- end
+ # We're updating an existing node
+ previous=Node.find(id)
+ previous.update_from(node, user)
+ nodeversions[id] = previous.version
- if savenode
- new_node.changeset_id = changeset
- new_node.lat = lat
- new_node.lon = lon
- new_node.tags = n[4]
- new_node.version = version
- if id <= 0
- # We're creating the node
- new_node.create_with_history(user)
- else
- # We're updating the node (no delete here)
- node.update_from(new_node, user)
- end
- if id != node.id
- renumberednodes[id] = node.id
- id = node.id
- end
- end
- uniques = uniques - [id]
- nodes.push(id)
- # -- Delete any unique nodes
- uniques.each do |n|
- #deleteitemrelations(n, 'node')
+ # -- Delete any unique nodes no longer used
+ uniques=uniques-pointlist
+ uniques.each do |n|
node = Node.find(n)
new_node = Node.new
new_node.changeset_id = changeset
if way.tags!=attributes or way.nds!=nodes or !way.visible?
new_way = Way.new
new_way.tags = attributes
- new_way.nds = nodes
+ new_way.nds = pointlist
new_way.changeset_id = changeset
new_way.version = version
way.update_from(new_way, user)
end # transaction
- [0, originalway, way.id, renumberednodes, way.version]
+ [0, originalway, way.id, renumberednodes, way.version, nodeversions]
rescue OSM::APIChangesetAlreadyClosedError => ex
return [-1, "The changeset #{ex.changeset.id} was closed at #{ex.changeset.closed_at}"]
rescue OSM::APIVersionMismatchError => ex
# Really need to check to see whether this is a server load issue, and the
# last version was in the same changeset, or belongs to the same user, then
# we can return something different
- return [-3, "You have taken too long to edit, please reload the area"]
+ return [-3, "Sorry, someone else has changed this way since you started editing - please reload the area"]
rescue OSM::APITooManyWayNodesError => ex
return [-1, "You have tried to upload a way with #{ex.provided}, however only #{ex.max} are allowed."]
rescue OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError => ex