assert_method :put
relation = Relation.from_xml(request.raw_post, true)
- # We assume that an exception has been thrown if there was an error
+ # We assume that an exception has been thrown if there was an error
# generating the relation
#if relation
relation.create_with_history @user
relation = Relation.find(params[:id])
new_relation = Relation.from_xml(request.raw_post)
if new_relation and ==
relation.update_from new_relation, @user
render :text => relation.version.to_s, :content_type => "text/plain"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# full
- #
+ #
# input parameters: id
# returns XML representation of one relation object plus all its
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def full
relation = Relation.find(params[:id])
if relation.visible
# first find the ids of nodes, ways and relations referenced by this
# relation - note that we exclude this relation just in case.
node_ids = { |m| m[0] == 'Node' }.map { |m| m[1] }
way_ids = { |m| m[0] == 'Way' }.map { |m| m[1] }
relation_ids = { |m| m[0] == 'Relation' and m[1] != }.map { |m| m[1] }
# next load the relations and the ways.
relations = Relation.where(:id => relation_ids).includes(:relation_tags)
ways = Way.where(:id => way_ids).includes(:way_nodes, :way_tags)
- # now additionally collect nodes referenced by ways. Note how we
+ # now additionally collect nodes referenced by ways. Note how we
# recursively evaluate ways but NOT relations.
way_node_ids = ways.collect { |way|
way.way_nodes.collect { |way_node| way_node.node_id }
node_ids += way_node_ids.flatten
nodes = Node.where(:id => node_ids.uniq).includes(:node_tags)
# create XML.
doc =
visible_nodes = {}
visible_members = { "Node" => {}, "Way" => {}, "Relation" => {} }
changeset_cache = {}
user_display_name_cache = {}
nodes.each do |node|
if node.visible? # should be unnecessary if data is consistent.
doc.root << node.to_xml_node(changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
# finally add self and output
doc.root << relation.to_xml_node(visible_members, changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
render :text => "", :status => :gone