+ rescue ActionView::TemplateError => ex
+ if ex.original_exception.is_a?(Timeout::Error)
+ render :action => "timeout"
+ else
+ raise
+ end
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ render :action => "timeout"
+ end
+ ##
+ # extend caches_action to include the parameters, locale and logged in
+ # status in all cache keys
+ def self.caches_action(*actions)
+ options = actions.extract_options!
+ cache_path = options[:cache_path] || Hash.new
+ options[:cache_path] = Proc.new do |controller|
+ user = controller.instance_variable_get("@user")
+ case
+ when user.nil? then user = :none
+ when user.display_name == controller.params[:display_name] then user = :self
+ when user.administrator? then user = :administrator
+ when user.moderator? then user = :moderator
+ else user = :other
+ end
+ cache_path.merge(controller.params).merge(:locale => I18n.locale, :user => user)
+ end
+ actions.push(options)
+ super *actions
+ end
+ ##
+ # extend expire_action to expire all variants
+ def expire_action(options = {})
+ path = ActionCachePath.path_for(self, options, false).gsub('?', '.').gsub(':', '.')
+ expire_fragment(Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(path) + "\\..*"))
+ end
+ ##
+ # is the requestor logged in?
+ def logged_in?
+ !@user.nil?