- license_page:
- foreign:
- title: Aboot this translation
- text: 'In the event of a conflict atween this translatit page an %{english_original_link}, the Inglis page shall tak precedence'
- english_link: the Inglis oreeginal
- native:
- title: Aboot this page
- text: 'Ye are viewin the Inglis version o the copyricht page. Ye can gang back tae the %{native_link} o this page or ye can stap readin aboot copyricht an %{mapping_link}.'
- native_link: Scots version
- mapping_link: stairt cairttin
- legal_babble:
- title_html: Copyricht an License
- intro_1_html: |
- OpenStreetMap is <i>open data</i>, licensed unner the <a
- href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">Open Data
- Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
- intro_2_html: |
- Ye are free tae copy, distribute, transmit an adapt oor data,
- as lang as ye credit OpenStreetMap an its
- contreibutors. If ye alter or big upon oor data, ye
- mey distribute the result anly unner the same licence. The
- full <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">legal
- code</a> explains yer richts an responsibilities.
- intro_3_html: |
- The cairtografie in oor cairt tiles, an oor documentation, are
- licensed unner the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">Creative
- Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> license (CC BY-SA).
- credit_title_html: Hou tae credit OpenStreetMap
- credit_1_html: |
- We require that ye uise the credit “© OpenStreetMap
- contributors”.
- credit_2_html: |
- Ye must an aa mak it clear that the data is available unner the Open
- Database License, an if uisin oor cairt tiles, that the cairtografie is
- licensed as CC BY-SA. Ye mey dae this bi airtin tae
- <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyricht page</a>.
- Alternatively, an as a requirement if ye are distributin OSM in a
- data form, ye can name an link directly tae the license(s). In media
- whaur airtins are nae possible (e.g. printed wirks), we suggest ye
- direct yer readers tae openstreetmap.org (perhaps bi expandin
- 'OpenStreetMap' tae this full address), tae opendatacommons.org, an
- if relevant, to creativecommons.org.
- credit_3_html: |
- For a brousable electronic cairt, the credit should appear in the corner o the cairt.
- For example:
- attribution_example:
- alt: >
- Example o hou tae attribute
- OpenStreetMap on a wabpage
- title: Attreibution example
- more_title_html: Findin oot mair
- more_1_html: |
- Read mair aboot uisin oor data, an how tae credit us, at the <a
- href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Legal_FAQ">Legal
- FAQ</a>.
- more_2_html: |
- Altho OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannae provide a
- free-o-charge cairt API for third-party developers.
- See oor <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_usage_policy">API Uisage Policy</a>,
- <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy">Tile Uisage Policy</a>
- and <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Usage_Policy">Nominatim Uisage Policy</a>.
- contributors_title_html: Oor contreibutors
- contributors_intro_html: |
- Oor contreibutors are thoosands o individuals. We an aa include
- openly-licensed data frae naitional mappin agencies
- an ither soorces, amang them:
- contributors_at_html: |
- <strong>Austrick</strong>: Contains data frae
- <a href="http://data.wien.gv.at/">Stadt Wien</a> (unner
- <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/at/deed.de">CC BY</a>),
- <a href="http://www.vorarlberg.at/vorarlberg/bauen_wohnen/bauen/vermessung_geoinformation/weitereinformationen/services/wmsdienste.htm">Land Vorarlberg</a> an
- Land Tirol (unner <a href="http://www.tirol.gv.at/applikationen/e-government/data/nutzungsbedingungen/">CC BY AT wi amendments</a>).
- contributors_ca_html: |
- <strong>Canadae</strong>: Contains data frae
- GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department o Naitural
- Resoorces Canadae), CanVec (© Department o Naitural
- Resoorces Canadae), an StatCan (Geografie Diveesion,
- Stateestics Canadae).
- contributors_fi_html: |
- <strong>Finland</strong>: Contains data frae the
- Naitional Laund Survey o Finland's Topographic Database
- an ither datasets, unner the
- <a href="http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/NLS_open_data_licence_version1_20120501">NLSFI License</a>.
- contributors_fr_html: |
- <strong>Fraunce</strong>: Contains data soorced frae
- Direction Générale des Impôts.
- contributors_nl_html: |
- <strong>Netherlands</strong>: Contains © AND data, 2007
- (<a href="http://www.and.com">www.and.com</a>)
- contributors_nz_html: |
- <strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data soorced frae
- Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyricht reserved.
- fixthemap:
- how_to_help:
- join_the_community:
- explanation_html: |
- Gif ye'v seen ae proablem wi oor map data, fer example ae road is missin or yer address, the best waa tae
- proceed is tae jyn the OpenStreetMap communitie n eik or repair the data yersel.
- other_concerns:
- explanation_html: |
- Gif ye hae concerns aneat hou oor data is bein uised or aneat the contents please see oor
- <a href='/copyright'>copiericht page</a> fer mair legal information, or contact the appropriate
- <a href='http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Working_Groups'>OSMF wairkin groop</a>.
+ notifier:
+ lost_password_plain:
+ hopefully_you: Someane (possibly ye) haes asked for the passwird tae be reset
+ on this email address's openstreetmap.org accoont.
+ click_the_link: If this is ye, please click the airtin ablo tae reset yer passwird.
+ lost_password_html:
+ greeting: Hi,
+ hopefully_you: Someane (possibly ye) has asked for the passwird tae be reset
+ on this email address's openstreetmap.org accoont.
+ click_the_link: If this is ye, please click the airtin ablo tae reset yer passwird.
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: An anonymous uiser
+ greeting: Hi,
+ commented:
+ subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} haes commentit on ane o yer notes'
+ subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} haes commentit on a note ye are
+ interestit in'
+ site:
+ copyright:
+ foreign:
+ title: Aboot this translation
+ html: In the event of a conflict atween this translatit page an %{english_original_link},
+ the Inglis page shall tak precedence
+ english_link: the Inglis oreeginal
+ native:
+ title: Aboot this page
+ html: Ye are viewin the Inglis version o the copyricht page. Ye can gang back
+ tae the %{native_link} o this page or ye can stap readin aboot copyricht
+ an %{mapping_link}.
+ native_link: Scots version
+ mapping_link: stairt cairttin
+ legal_babble:
+ title_html: Copyricht an License
+ intro_1_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap<sup><a href="#trademarks">®</a></sup> is <i>open data</i>, licensed unner the <a
+ href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/">Open Data
+ Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL) bi the <a
+ href="http://osmfoundation.org/">OpenStreetMap Foundation</a> (OSMF).
+ intro_2_html: |-
+ Ye are free tae copy, distribute, transmit an adapt oor data,
+ as lang as ye credit OpenStreetMap an its
+ contreibutors. If ye alter or big upon oor data, ye
+ mey distribute the result anly unner the same licence. The
+ full <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">legal
+ code</a> explains yer richts an responsibilities.
+ intro_3_html: |-
+ The cairtografie in oor cairt tiles, an oor documentation, are
+ licensed unner the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0</a> license (CC BY-SA).
+ credit_title_html: Hou tae credit OpenStreetMap
+ credit_1_html: |-
+ We require that ye uise the credit “© OpenStreetMap
+ contributors”.
+ credit_2_html: |-
+ Ye must an aa mak it clear that the data is available unner the Open
+ Database License, an if uisin oor cairt tiles, that the cairtografie is
+ licensed as CC BY-SA. Ye mey dae this bi airtin tae
+ <a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">this copyricht page</a>.
+ Alternatively, an as a requirement if ye are distributin OSM in a
+ data form, ye can name an link directly tae the license(s). In media
+ whaur airtins are nae possible (e.g. printed wirks), we suggest ye
+ direct yer readers tae openstreetmap.org (perhaps bi expandin
+ 'OpenStreetMap' tae this full address), tae opendatacommons.org, an
+ if relevant, to creativecommons.org.
+ credit_3_html: |-
+ For a brousable electronic cairt, the credit should appear in the corner o the cairt.
+ For example:
+ attribution_example:
+ alt: Example o hou tae attribute OpenStreetMap on a wabpage
+ title: Attreibution example
+ more_title_html: Findin oot mair
+ more_1_html: |-
+ Read mair aboot uisin oor data, an hou tae credit us, at the <a
+ href="http://osmfoundation.org/Licence">OSMF Licence page</a> an the commonty <a
+ href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Legal_FAQ">Legal
+ FAQ</a>.
+ more_2_html: |-
+ Altho OpenStreetMap is open data, we cannae provide a
+ free-o-charge cairt API for third-party developers.
+ See oor <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_usage_policy">API Uisage Policy</a>,
+ <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy">Tile Uisage Policy</a>
+ and <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim#Usage_Policy">Nominatim Uisage Policy</a>.
+ contributors_title_html: Oor contreibutors
+ contributors_intro_html: |-
+ Oor contreibutors are thoosands o individuals. We an aa include
+ openly-licensed data frae naitional mappin agencies
+ an ither soorces, amang them:
+ contributors_at_html: |-
+ <strong>Austrick</strong>: Contains data frae
+ <a href="http://data.wien.gv.at/">Stadt Wien</a> (unner
+ <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/at/deed.de">CC BY</a>),
+ <a href="http://www.vorarlberg.at/vorarlberg/bauen_wohnen/bauen/vermessung_geoinformation/weitereinformationen/services/wmsdienste.htm">Land Vorarlberg</a> an
+ Land Tirol (unner <a href="http://www.tirol.gv.at/applikationen/e-government/data/nutzungsbedingungen/">CC BY AT wi amendments</a>).
+ contributors_ca_html: |-
+ <strong>Canadae</strong>: Contains data frae
+ GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department o Naitural
+ Resoorces Canadae), CanVec (© Department o Naitural
+ Resoorces Canadae), an StatCan (Geografie Diveesion,
+ Stateestics Canadae).
+ contributors_fi_html: |-
+ <strong>Finland</strong>: Contains data frae the
+ Naitional Laund Survey o Finland's Topographic Database
+ an ither datasets, unner the
+ <a href="http://www.maanmittauslaitos.fi/en/NLS_open_data_licence_version1_20120501">NLSFI License</a>.
+ contributors_fr_html: |-
+ <strong>Fraunce</strong>: Contains data soorced frae
+ Direction Générale des Impôts.
+ contributors_nl_html: |-
+ <strong>Netherlands</strong>: Contains © AND data, 2007
+ (<a href="http://www.and.com">www.and.com</a>)
+ contributors_nz_html: |-
+ <strong>New Zealand</strong>: Contains data soorced frae
+ Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyricht reserved.
+ infringement_title_html: Copyricht infringement
+ export:
+ title: Export
+ area_to_export: Aurie tae Export
+ manually_select: Manually select a different aurie
+ format_to_export: Format tae Export
+ osm_xml_data: OpenStreetMap XML Data
+ map_image: Cairt Image (shaws staundart layer)
+ embeddable_html: Embeddable HTML
+ licence: Licence
+ export_details_html: OpenStreetMap data is licensed unner the <a href="http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/">Open
+ Data Commons Open Database License</a> (ODbL).
+ too_large:
+ advice: 'If the abuin export fails, please consider uisin ane o the soorces
+ leetit ablo:'
+ body: This aurie is too lairge tae be exportit as OpenStreetMap XML Data.
+ Please zuim in or select a smawer aurie, or uise ane o the soorces leetit
+ ablo for bulk data dounloads.
+ planet:
+ title: Planet OSM
+ description: Regularly-updated copies o the complete OpenStreetMap database
+ overpass:
+ title: Overpass API
+ description: Dounload this boondin box frae a mirror o the OpenStreetMap
+ database
+ geofabrik:
+ title: Geofabrik Dounloads
+ description: Regularly-updatit extracts o continents, kintras, an selectit
+ ceeties
+ metro:
+ title: Metro Extracts
+ description: Extracts for major warld ceeties an thair surroondin auries
+ other:
+ title: Ither Soorces
+ description: Addeetional soorces leetit on the OpenStreetMap wiki
+ options: Options
+ format: Format
+ scale: Scale
+ max: max
+ image_size: Image Size
+ zoom: Zuim
+ add_marker: Add a marker tae the cairt
+ latitude: 'Lat:'
+ longitude: 'Lon:'
+ output: Ootput
+ paste_html: Paste HTML tae embed in wabsteid
+ export_button: Export
+ fixthemap:
+ how_to_help:
+ join_the_community:
+ explanation_html: |-
+ Gif ye'v seen ae proablem wi oor map data, fer example ae road is missin or yer address, the best waa tae
+ proceed is tae jyn the OpenStreetMap communitie n eik or repair the data yersel.
+ other_concerns:
+ explanation_html: "Gif ye hae concerns aneat hou oor data is bein uised or
+ aneat the contents please see oor\n<a href='/copyright'>copiericht page</a>
+ fer mair legal information, or contact the appropriate \n<a href='http://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Working_Groups'>OSMF
+ wairkin groop</a>."
+ sidebar:
+ search_results: Sairch Results
+ search:
+ search: Sairch
+ to: Tae
+ where_am_i: Whaur am I?
+ where_am_i_title: Descrive the current location uisin the sairch ingine
+ submit_text: Gae
+ key:
+ table:
+ entry:
+ wood: Wid
+ golf: Gowf coorse
+ park: Pairk
+ resident: Residential aurie
+ retail: Retail aurie
+ industrial: Industrial aurie
+ commercial: Commercial aurie
+ lake:
+ - Loch
+ farm: Ferm
+ military: Militar aurie
+ school:
+ - Schuil
+ - varsity
+ building: Signeeficant biggin
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: Eedit
+ markdown_help:
+ headings: Heidins
+ welcome:
+ title: Walcome!
+ introduction_html: |-
+ Walcome tae OpenStreetMap, the free an eeditable cairt o the warld. Nou that ye're signed
+ up, ye're aw set tae get stairtit cairttin. Here's a quick guide wi the maist important
+ things ye need tae ken.
+ whats_on_the_map:
+ title: Whit's on the Cairt
+ on_html: |-
+ OpenStreetMap is a place for cairttin things that are baith <em>real an current</em> -
+ it includes millions o biggins, roads, an ither details aboot places. Ye can cairt
+ whitever real-warld featurs are interestin tae ye.
+ off_html: |-
+ Whit it <em>disna</em> include is opinionatit data lik ratins, historical or
+ hypothetical featurs, an data frae copyrichtit soorces. Unless ye hae special
+ permission, dinna copy frae online or paper cairts.
+ traces:
+ create:
+ upload_trace: Uplaid GPS Trace
+ users:
+ login:
+ auth_providers:
+ google:
+ title: Login wi Google
+ alt: Login wi a Google OpenID
+ facebook:
+ title: Login wi Facebook
+ alt: Login wi a Facebook Accoont
+ windowslive:
+ title: Login wi Windows Live
+ alt: Login wi a Windows Live Accoont
+ github:
+ title: Login wi GitHub
+ alt: Login wi a GitHub Account
+ wikipedia:
+ title: Login wi Wikipedia
+ alt: Login wi a Wikipedia Accoont
+ yahoo:
+ title: Login wi Yahoo
+ alt: Login wi a Yahoo OpenID
+ wordpress:
+ title: Login wi Wordpress
+ alt: Login wi a Wordpress OpenID
+ aol:
+ title: Login wi AOL
+ alt: Login wi an AOL OpenID
+ logout:
+ title: Logoot
+ heading: Logoot frae OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: Logoot
+ lost_password:
+ title: Lost password
+ heading: Forgotten Passwird?
+ show:
+ edits: Eedits
+ created from: 'Creautit frae:'
+ user location: Uiser location
+ account:
+ title: Eedit accoont